I assume Jonas to be alive because, at the end of the last chapter Jonas felt like he was losing all consciousness but he forced his eyes open. The reason why Jonas forced his eyes open was because, on page 173 it stated that Jonas no longer cared about himself he only cred for Gabriel and that Gabriel was is responsibility.

Another reason why I think Jonas is alive is because, when The Giver gave Jonas a memory of snow and ridding on the sled over hills, Gabriel was not with him. On page 82-83 Jonas received the memory twice, the first time Jonas received the memory his eyes were closed, the second time he went on the sled The Giver told him to look around him, everywhere, and still Gabriel wasn’t there. if Gabriel were there, Jonas would of definitely noticed it. After they both came down the sled Jonas saw lights and people celebrating love.

I also assume Jonas is alive because, when he and Gabriel and he got to the bottom of the hill they heard something Jonas thought  was music. Jonas never received the memory of music because, on page 157 The Giver wanted to give Jonas the memory but Jonas refused because it was his best memory and he wanted The Giver to keep it. Jonas has the capacity to see beyond but, not the capacity to hear beyond, so that’s why he thought it was just an echo when he heard it.

When Jonas fell off his bike he scrapped his knee and he felt pain. On page 169 it mentioned that Jonas was alert at night, and how they heard the planes flying really low, knowing that they were definitely searcher planes. [What does this tell you? – Ms. L]