I believe that Jonas is alive my strongest statement is that, why would Jonas bring Gabriel with him after all he went through starvation, cold, wet, etc. it said on page 176 that Jonas no longer cared about himself but he cared about Gabriel .when Jonas got up to the hill on page 179 everything that happened, appended in the memory that the giver gave Jonas but the only thing that wasn’t there was Gabriel so how could they be dead. Also the giver must have known what elsewhere was like the past receiver must of given him a memory of elsewhere and on page 156 the giver told Jonas that he loved him like he loved rosemary so how could he sent him to heaven. Dying was not the only way to release all the memory’s crossing elsewhere would be another way to release all the memories, if he was going to elsewhere “heaven” why wouldn’t the giver  give all the memories to Jonas it would make more sense. On page 178 it said “his heart surge with hope” if he was dead how could his heart be still beating

In conclusion I believe Jonas is alive