I think he is alive! Because on the hill he said he felt no pain. And with dying comes pain. So he would still be alive. Also he went to the house that was the same house in the memory the Giver gave him. So maybe not only did the Giver give him that memory because it was his favourite. But maybe he wanted Jonas to know that the house is a safe spot to go if he ever wanted to escape. And the Giver didn’t give him that memory with Gabe in it. And a lot of people are saying that he is dreaming or hallucinating. But if he was then why is Gabe there? Even in the book it said: Jonas willed himself to stay awake. It also said his mind was alert. If he was dead he wouldn’t feel like that.

And lastly the dead group was saying that the house and hill were heaven. But if you were dead you wouldn’t be able to give memories. But how would the Giver know about the hill and the house if it was heaven? Because the Giver is alive. And whatever Giver that gave him the memory had to be alive to do it. So the house and hill are not heaven because is the Giver that passed down that memory was dead, then how would he do it. So I think that Jonas and Gabriel are alive!

– Jaime