Why do you think love has been obsolete?

I think love has been obsolete because there is no more point of the word love ,you get matched by the elders and it’s not based on how you like that person its if you like the same things ,love has just become a meaningless word that no one knows what it means it has become pointless of saying it . Chief elder wants the community to be sameness those pills they must not only take away the stirrings but it takes away all your emotions toward everything, on page 127 Jonas asked his father “do you love me”. Jonas’s father replied “Jonas you of all people precision language please”, Jonas mom said the community can’t run smoothly if people don’t use precision language .I think that this community is so clear on their rules that it has become an utopian society that nothing could get hurt as in emotional no one will miss anyone when there released it has no love or sadness.

What does loves mean to this community

I think love means something to strong for the community people to use ,on page 127 Jonas’s mom said “you could ask do you enjoy me instead of love me” .Those pills has to do something with love because Jonas wanted to grasp that feeling of Fiona but when he told his mom his mom quickly gave him the pills .If Jonas doesn’t take the pills maybe he will be able to fell love, only the giver and Jonas know what love is and the rest of the people think it’s a different think is an old word use a long time ago they must of took years to take away love .