Why do you think love has become obsolete?


I think love has become obsolete in this community because, you can have feelings for someone then get matched with someone you don’t like. Also in this community is really strict so if two people like the same person it would mess up things in order. I predict that the community used to have emotions like love but didn’t work out well that the government made the community more regulated, and got rid of all the emotions.


What do you think love means in this community?


In this community I think love means meaningless and useless. Because when Jonas asked his parents if they loved him, his father said “Jonas. You, of all people. Precision of language, please!” and that he appreciated Jonas. I think he said that because he doesn’t know what love means and how it feels like

At the end of the chapter Jonas told Gabriel that things are going to change, by that i think he is going to bring back the colors, snow, hill, pain and emotions. Also when he decided to NOT take the pill for his stirrings is because he wants to have and feel the love in his dreams.