Month: November 2014 (Page 8 of 11)

Cover Prediction

I think the giver will be about an old man who keeps giving back to the environment because the cover shows a man with a beard and wrinkles and it also shows a forest which appears to be at the end of winter. There is also a light coming down on to the forest which could symbolize happiness coming to the man’s life because the end of winter usually means the end of sad and cold times.

Pale Eyes

I think that Gabriel and Jonas have the same birth mother because in the novel it mentioned that Gabriel had pale eyes and so did Jonas. In the novel, it also mentioned that almost everybody in the community had brown or black colored eyes. So it was alsmost rare to see somebody with pale colored eyes. I think that Gabriel and Jonas arespecial boys because Gabriel was being called by his first name before the ones ceremony and also because Jonas’s dad brought Gabriel home which is not allowed as the baby had to be left in the nuturing center. I think that Gabriel’s pale eyes symbolises a relationship between two brothers. I think that the community does not appreciate this because they do not want them finding out about their real birth mother. I also think that Gabriel and Jonas will get help from the giver to try and find their real birth mother after Jonas’ receives his assignment.

Age Ceremonys

The first ceremony I have is the ceremony of two’s, this is where you get your very own crib to play in, and a stuffed pig to keep you occupied. During the ceremony of twos they take away your baby bottle, to symbolize you growing up and to not make you to attach to things. They also give you a Sippy cup, So that you can drink water and milk in your own Sippy cup. When I was two I got my very own stuffed bear that I still have to this day. The children can play in their crib, with their very own stuffed pig, drinking some water to not keep them dehydrated.

The next ceremony is the ceremony of five’s, in this ceremony they give you art supplies and a sketch book, to increase your creativity, because when you are five you start going to kindergarten to learn. While learning you also learn how to hold a pencil, being neat and organized. They also take away your baby toys so that you can focus on your learning and that you do not bring your toys to school and start playing with them when you are not supposed to. The teachers keep you occupied by reading stories, drawing, coloring and painting. While you’re doing different activities, the teachers will identify your talents and interests and suggest to the parents after school programs. This was relevant to me because when I was younger I had a particular passion for art and my parents put me in drawing classes.

At the ceremony of eleven’s when you now go to middle school, they take away your choice of dress for school and make you wear school uniforms. This teaches the children that beauty is what is on the inside and not on the outside. In return they give you a choice of a laptop or PC computer to submit homework online by email or posting it. The internet can be used in a negative way so it is monitored by your classroom teacher and principal. By having your work submitted by email or posted teaches us responsibility and reminds us to be organized in your daily life and also teaches us time management. They also provide you with a printer so you may sometimes print your work.

My Prediction on Gabriel’s eyes

Gabriel’s eyes are significant because everyone else in the community has brown eyes and he, a girl fifth, and Jonas have pale eyes. I predict that people with pale eyes are special and those three come from the same birth mother. I think pale eyes mean something important and will have a huge impact on the story. This relation may include defiance to the land they live in and won’t have to listen to the rules. I already know Jonas will receive great power as one of the elders. So maybe Gabe and that five will become great too.

Freedom of Choice

Every minute and every second; I struggle. Anxiety flows through my body: In my blood. Anxiety is in my bones, muscles. Each time my heart beats, stress pumps through me. A pounding head. Any second I could do it. Yet guilt and fear of choosing one and not the other is agonizing. For the one I don’t choose could take advantage of my guilt. What is my anxiety? Food. I know it sounds silly, but it’s true. Food. What kind of food? Mexican. To be more specific, tacos and burritos.

Tacos are irresistibly good, the crunch of the shell, the spice of the chili, the tenderness of the steak, and the taste of everything else. This is taco. My favourite food tied with burrito.

Burritos. Soft, warm tortilla. Stringy cheese that melts in your mouth. Tasty sour cream. Fresh tomatoes and chilli mashes up and makes salsa. All irresistibly good.

Every time I go in a restaurant -with my family- that serves both tacos and burritos, I fall in a trance of anxiety. It’s the menu and I. Alone. Everyone else disappears and my heart beats in super speed. That is why I don’t want the choice between foods. Especially if it’s tacos and burritos.

Aha Moment

There are two things that I think stirrings could be. 1. Is a wet dream and feeling for someone that they want to stop because they want to control the population and it’s already someone’s job to have kids. That would ruin that job. Then slowly ruining other jobs. It’s like a pyramid made out of cards. One falls and the whole thing is ruined.

2. Maybe stirrings are you stirring in your sleep. Waking up from blindness of the fact that not everything has to be perfect. Not everything-down to the tiniest detail-has to be regulated. I think stirrings are you waking up from the grasp of the government and wanting freedom from the outside moment. Maybe its realization that there’s something beyond their world and beyond anything they know.
In an additional (bonus) page in Divergent, it says that Veronica Roth’s (author of the Divergent series) hero is Louis Lowry’s book the Giver. They are both similar stories. A Utopian society with rebels crawling everywhere, an unknown outside world. Some other things too. That’s my AHA moment. Where I connected those two stories.
At the House of the Old, they stop taking pills. I think it’s because of the fact that they’re too old and not able to get that freedom. So stirrings happen to them but aren’t able to find their way to freedom from the government.

Cover Prediction

I think that the book The Giver will be about a homeless man, who lives in an old cabin in the forest.I think that the old man is somewhat sad, or depressed, because I feel like the man on the cover looks like he maybe going through a tough time. I think maybe a loved one has passed away and because of that tragic loss he has become depressed. I also think that he lives in an old cabin in the forest, because on the cover of the book there is a picture of a forest. I think that at every sunset he goes out into the town asking for food and money but just like always no hope.

I think that one night a powerful light leaves something on the floor a box of wishes, because I see light on the cover behind some trees. It is a box of wishes, he cannot use the wishes for himself but he has to make children’s wishes come true. I think that the book has something to do with children, because on the front cover there is an award that is for children literature.I think that the man gives wishes to people thats why he is known as The Giver.

The Giver Prediction

The Giver Prediction

I think “The Giver” is about an old man who has a hard life, because on the cover there is an old man and a forest. The forest makes me think that he has nowhere to go, so he stays in the wilderness. There is also a sunset. That makes me think that someone or something comes by every sunset and gives to the old man or the old man gives to them. Hence the title, “The Giver”.

Thoughts and Impressions

So far the book is good, but it got a little confusing for me. In the beginning they talked about a plane, then about school, and lastly about the community. I guess they wanted to pack a lot of information into the chapter. Even though that happened, I really liked when they talked about the community, and being “released”. It was very interesting.


When they talked about how many children are allowed in the community. I immediately thought about the 1 child rule, China had around 30 years ago. When I heard Jonas’s sister’s personality, I thought about those brothers and/or sisters who always stick to what they think. For example their mom tells them that they’re pronouncing a word wrong. They won’t listen and stick to what they think is right and act really annoying and have tantrums while doing it.

Ah Ha Moment

I think that Jonas’s community is very strict and they want their society to run perfectly, to make that happen they have lots of rules,such as if you start getting your stirrings you have to take a pill to avoid them, until you go to the old age home. I think stirrings tell you about your future and your past,as well as your future job during your dreams. I think that the community Jonas is raised in is keeping some kind of secret,that they don’t want the community to find out about, by having stirrings children can find out about their past like their birthmother, and more, about their future.

Ah- Ha moment

In the last chapter, I learned about the stirrings. After already knowing about how strict the community is, I found out about a new rule, which is more like a regular lifestyle. When you start to go through puberty, you start to get different emotions. It usually starts as a dream, like how it did with Jonas. I learned that the community is being even more strict than usual. I feel like they’re trying to make it a perfect place by eliminating all  emotions. They are taking out every little feeling that they can use to express themselves. Maybe they don’t want them to have feelings, because they will start questioning the rules, and have more opinions. Which will be dangerous, because if the community doesn’t like the rules and the head person doesn’t do anything about it. They might start a riot or if they can, leave the community.

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