A time when I had freedom of choice that caused me anxiety was when I had to choose between two instruments for the grade 7 band. At first I really wanted to play the bass clarinet because I played clarinet for 2 years and I really liked the instrument. So when I found out that there was such thing as a bass clarinet I wanted to play it.

Few days later I talked with my music teacher about the instrument I chose to play in the band, she suggested that I should consider playing the oboe because the band teacher wants an oboe player, and also that if I played the oboe that I would get more solo parts. Even though I made my mind solid about playing the bass clarinet, I wanted to have solo parts in concerts. So I was thinking about it for three days to try to find the instrument that I want to play for the year. It was one of the hardest choices I made in school, also it caused me anxiety because the due date was coming up and I had to let my band teacher know on the following Monday. And my mom was rushing me to choose my instrument because my sister had to go to the music store to rent her instrument so my mom told me that she wants me to rent the instrument when my sister goes to the music store.

But I finally chose my instrument and it’s the bass clarinet!