When I am born they would give me a yellow tag indicating I am a kid. When I am 3 I am not being breast fed anymore they teach me how to learn to use a bottle after you get a good grip on using the bottle they give you a special bottle that is red to indicate I am growing up. When I am 6 years old I get a blue tag I am more responsible and they give me a group but no name yet. Once I am 8 I move on to a new group and finally get a name depending on my attitude. When I am 9 I get a video game console an Xbox 360 to be exact you also earn the ability to choose a specific teachers like if you want to dance u can chose a dance teacher if u want a skate board teacher you can choose a skate board teacher. At the age of 12 I get my bicycle/skate board you get to choose plus you’re not a kid anymore there’s a sheet of jobs you get to choose. Maybe you will get a job you want maybe you won’t. For example I am going to list some of the jobs. For Kids of coarse so there’s cadets that’s more of the fun one there delivering the new to the other groups and many more so that’s what my life would be like if I was in a community.