Whenever I get the chance to choose what to eat, where to go, or to do my homework right away or wait a while, I always seem to get stressed and fill up with anxiety about what might happen later after my choice is made. I like having choices, but if I get too many choices thrown at me, I freak out! It causes me anxiety to get too many choices, weird huh? Another thing that causes me anxiety is if my day isn’t planned. This happens every day, I ask what’s planned and if they say ‘I don’t know’ I will literally freak out. I need my day planned, and if it isn’t, I wait until it is, then I will go. I cannot go 1 day without it planned. 1 real life experience for both of these occasions is when I’m in the car with my mom, and she slows down at the exit, and asks me “Where do you wanna go today?” And I’m thinking in my head ‘There’s no plan?!’ and ‘I get the choice of where to go!!!’ So I ask what the options are and she says “Wherever you want” And as she says that my brain stops thinking about all the fun places we could go and stress that I only have a 1 minute to choose starts freaking me out. I love choosing where to go but not when I only have 1 minute! So I start to think of where to go and then my mom says “Okay so you need to choose NOW because there are cars waiting. We turn right for blah blah blah and we turn left for blah blah blah… So where do you want to go?” And then my mom eventually chooses once I tell her I don’t know and give up on the stress. So I guess she asked me for no reason… So I guess I like the freedom of choice but sometimes, just tell me what to do!!!