Day: 19 November 2014 (Page 2 of 4)

Match Maker

Two reasons for being matched are that you most likely will be matched with the perfect spouse for you and that you wont have any anxiety or stress about choosing. Two reasons against being matched are that you don’t get to develop any relationship prior, your just put together and even though lots of thought goes into the matching, you still my not like each other In conclusion I would not like to be matched.

The Anxiety + Stress About The Freedom Of Choice

Whenever I get the chance to choose what to eat, where to go, or to do my homework right away or wait a while, I always seem to get stressed and fill up with anxiety about what might happen later after my choice is made. I like having choices, but if I get too many choices thrown at me, I freak out! It causes me anxiety to get too many choices, weird huh? Another thing that causes me anxiety is if my day isn’t planned. This happens every day, I ask what’s planned and if they say ‘I don’t know’ I will literally freak out. I need my day planned, and if it isn’t, I wait until it is, then I will go. I cannot go 1 day without it planned. 1 real life experience for both of these occasions is when I’m in the car with my mom, and she slows down at the exit, and asks me “Where do you wanna go today?” And I’m thinking in my head ‘There’s no plan?!’ and ‘I get the choice of where to go!!!’ So I ask what the options are and she says “Wherever you want” And as she says that my brain stops thinking about all the fun places we could go and stress that I only have a 1 minute to choose starts freaking me out. I love choosing where to go but not when I only have 1 minute! So I start to think of where to go and then my mom says “Okay so you need to choose NOW because there are cars waiting. We turn right for blah blah blah and we turn left for blah blah blah… So where do you want to go?” And then my mom eventually chooses once I tell her I don’t know and give up on the stress. So I guess she asked me for no reason… So I guess I like the freedom of choice but sometimes, just tell me what to do!!!

My Ah-Ha Moment

My partner Sophia and I think that the stirrings are the emotions that the leaders of the community have taken away, and are slowly coming back through their dreams. So the leaders make the people who have stirrings take pills to keep the emotions away. My ah-ha moment is when I realized that the leaders of the community want their home to be so perfect they take these emotions away because they think that that’s what they have to do to get what they want… The perfect community. But I know sometimes anger, or sadness, or even love can mess things up. So they’ve taken them away with the pills to supposedly have the perfect community.

Being matched?

I am “A” so I will be writing about: Give two reasons for being matched and two against being matched.

I wouldn’t want to be matched because I want to pick the person I marry. And not have a total surprise. I also would want to be able to get to know the person before we marry. I want to know their personality and have some chemistry with them.

It would be good to get matched because you wouldn’t get in fights with your spouse. And you would have plenty of things to talk about because you would generally like the same things. And hopefully you’ll get someone with a similar personality so you can do the things you love together.



Match Makers

My two reasons on being matched are: that you don’t get in to the trouble of asking someone out and you won’t get the anxiety over picking someone. The bad things about being matched is that you won’t have the freedom of choice, and you might not even like the person the elder choose for you.

Match Maker In The Giver!

One reason that’s good about being matched is that you would never have a moment in your life confused to know if you love someone or not. Another good thing about being matched is you would probably never argue and you’d get along really well because you have soo many things in common.

One reason against being matched is you may have all these things in common does NOT mean you love them! You could be really good friends but husband and wife?! My other reason against being matched is you may have known them as a child and you may be really good friends, so you’ve seen all their sides! But because you’re such good friends, it may be hard to marry them if you don’t think of them in an affectionate way. Imagine you have to marry your best female friend, or male friend, WHAT WOULD YOU DO?

So those are my reasons To Be Matched, Or Not To Be! What’s your response? Would YOU want to be matched?

Match Maker

I will not wont to be matched because I wont to have a bond with the girl. And want to be with some one I know and we might have the same interest’s like video games, soccer and hockey what if there boring and lazy. And if we are matched we will have nothing in common or not even like each other.

Match Maker

Hey! So recently we’ve read Chapter 7 in “The Giver”, these are my reasons why I’d like to be matched and against being matched.

I would like to be matched because….

#1 it would make me less stressed because the elders would pick for me.             #2 the elders might give me a person that I like because we have the same interests and hobbies.

I would not like to be matched because….

#1 I’d like to have my freedom of choice to pick who I’d have the rest of my life!#2 I don’t want the elders to choose someone either WAY older than me or someone younger than me. That would be a little strange… Wouldn’t it?

Both reasons seem fairly equal, I would estimate that the elders know what they’re doing and wouldn’t give you the worst match… Right?

Would you like to me matched?

Match makers.

I’m ok with being matched because you are allowed to write your interests on a sheet of paper submit it and then they work off that.

You will always have someone at your side so you can never feel alone.

You can use both of your interests and bond over that and you won’t feel like you have no say.


Macth maker

Personally I would want to get matched because , the women that the elder’s give me would be the same person like we would like the same interests and there will be no one alone everyone will have a husband or wife and there will be no divorces there will be no fighting you would always get along and be together forever .


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