The Ceremony of 1:

The Ceremony of 1 for me is when I started drinking bottles by myself and scribbling and finger painting. My mom said I was obsessed with drawing too. For this ceremony, I received paints, and a pink bottle.

The Ceremony of 4:

The Ceremony of 4 for me is when I was doing pre-school, running around, and playing dress up with my dolls. I also liked dancing and singing, so my mom signed me up for jazz, tap, and ballet. I also started learning to ride a tricycle, and joined gymnastics. For the ceremony of 4 I was given a bike, ballet flats, and a dollhouse.

The Ceremony of 5:

When I was 5 I had already started kindergarten, and I was watching TV by myself too. I watched Treehouse, Disney Channel, and Pixar/Disney movies. That was also the year I made my first 3 friends. For the ceremony of 5, I was given a friendship bracelet, a TV remote, and another doll.

And those are my ceremony of ages for when I was 1, 4, and 5!