The time when I had anxiety of the freedom of choice would be when I go to restaurants, sweet factories or any food courts. Then I would have to choose what to eat, what to get, which flavours do I pick/want, do I want this or that etc. and when that happens it gives me anxiety and I get a weird feeling my head. A good example is one day I went to one of my favourite restaurants and my mom gave me two choices: one is Mongolian lamb and the other is Chow Mein noodles (and both of the choices are delicious). I really wanted Mongolian lamb, but then I also wanted Chow Mein noodles, my mom kept on telling me to hurry up, but I didn’t know what to choose and was just totally stressing out. I told my mom to just pick because I started to get a headache, and I think the waiter was getting annoyed so my mom just picked Mongolian lamb.