The first ceremony I have is the ceremony of two’s, this is where you get your very own crib to play in, and a stuffed pig to keep you occupied. During the ceremony of twos they take away your baby bottle, to symbolize you growing up and to not make you to attach to things. They also give you a Sippy cup, So that you can drink water and milk in your own Sippy cup. When I was two I got my very own stuffed bear that I still have to this day. The children can play in their crib, with their very own stuffed pig, drinking some water to not keep them dehydrated.

The next ceremony is the ceremony of five’s, in this ceremony they give you art supplies and a sketch book, to increase your creativity, because when you are five you start going to kindergarten to learn. While learning you also learn how to hold a pencil, being neat and organized. They also take away your baby toys so that you can focus on your learning and that you do not bring your toys to school and start playing with them when you are not supposed to. The teachers keep you occupied by reading stories, drawing, coloring and painting. While you’re doing different activities, the teachers will identify your talents and interests and suggest to the parents after school programs. This was relevant to me because when I was younger I had a particular passion for art and my parents put me in drawing classes.

At the ceremony of eleven’s when you now go to middle school, they take away your choice of dress for school and make you wear school uniforms. This teaches the children that beauty is what is on the inside and not on the outside. In return they give you a choice of a laptop or PC computer to submit homework online by email or posting it. The internet can be used in a negative way so it is monitored by your classroom teacher and principal. By having your work submitted by email or posted teaches us responsibility and reminds us to be organized in your daily life and also teaches us time management. They also provide you with a printer so you may sometimes print your work.