One Ceremony: Learn how to walk. When I learned how to walk, I suddenly felt more powerful and less fragile. When I was being carried I felt like I couldn’t do anything but eat and sleep. When I started walking I could explore and be more independent. As a gift I got more shoes.

 Nine Ceremony: Start to play basketball. I got a sudden interest in basketball after I decided that soccer wasn’t the sport for me. First I started to watch it on TV, and then I told my mom that I would like to take lessons. She enrolled me, and after that I just loved the sport so much. They realized that basketball was the right sport for me, so they bought me a blue basketball as a gift.

 Twelve Ceremony: Be more responsible. My sister and I really wanted a dog, so we kept on begging to our parents. They finally said yes, so we got ourselves a dog. After a week, we knew that getting a dog was going to take a lot of responsibility. Clean up the accidents, remember to feed him, and take him outside for exercise. When you’re a twelve, you have to be a lot more responsible. Because as a gift, you get a dog that will be wonderful to have after it’s trained.