Day: 5 November 2014

Cover Prediction

I think that the book The Giver will be about a homeless man, who lives in an old cabin in the forest.I think that the old man is somewhat sad, or depressed, because I feel like the man on the cover looks like he maybe going through a tough time. I think maybe a loved one has passed away and because of that tragic loss he has become depressed. I also think that he lives in an old cabin in the forest, because on the cover of the book there is a picture of a forest. I think that at every sunset he goes out into the town asking for food and money but just like always no hope.

I think that one night a powerful light leaves something on the floor a box of wishes, because I see light on the cover behind some trees. It is a box of wishes, he cannot use the wishes for himself but he has to make children’s wishes come true. I think that the book has something to do with children, because on the front cover there is an award that is for children literature.I think that the man gives wishes to people thats why he is known as The Giver.

The Giver Prediction

The Giver Prediction

I think “The Giver” is about an old man who has a hard life, because on the cover there is an old man and a forest. The forest makes me think that he has nowhere to go, so he stays in the wilderness. There is also a sunset. That makes me think that someone or something comes by every sunset and gives to the old man or the old man gives to them. Hence the title, “The Giver”.

Thoughts and Impressions

So far the book is good, but it got a little confusing for me. In the beginning they talked about a plane, then about school, and lastly about the community. I guess they wanted to pack a lot of information into the chapter. Even though that happened, I really liked when they talked about the community, and being “released”. It was very interesting.


When they talked about how many children are allowed in the community. I immediately thought about the 1 child rule, China had around 30 years ago. When I heard Jonas’s sister’s personality, I thought about those brothers and/or sisters who always stick to what they think. For example their mom tells them that they’re pronouncing a word wrong. They won’t listen and stick to what they think is right and act really annoying and have tantrums while doing it.

Ah Ha Moment

I think that Jonas’s community is very strict and they want their society to run perfectly, to make that happen they have lots of rules,such as if you start getting your stirrings you have to take a pill to avoid them, until you go to the old age home. I think stirrings tell you about your future and your past,as well as your future job during your dreams. I think that the community Jonas is raised in is keeping some kind of secret,that they don’t want the community to find out about, by having stirrings children can find out about their past like their birthmother, and more, about their future.

Ah- Ha moment

In the last chapter, I learned about the stirrings. After already knowing about how strict the community is, I found out about a new rule, which is more like a regular lifestyle. When you start to go through puberty, you start to get different emotions. It usually starts as a dream, like how it did with Jonas. I learned that the community is being even more strict than usual. I feel like they’re trying to make it a perfect place by eliminating all  emotions. They are taking out every little feeling that they can use to express themselves. Maybe they don’t want them to have feelings, because they will start questioning the rules, and have more opinions. Which will be dangerous, because if the community doesn’t like the rules and the head person doesn’t do anything about it. They might start a riot or if they can, leave the community.

Age Ceremonies

One Ceremony: Learn how to walk. When I learned how to walk, I suddenly felt more powerful and less fragile. When I was being carried I felt like I couldn’t do anything but eat and sleep. When I started walking I could explore and be more independent. As a gift I got more shoes.

 Nine Ceremony: Start to play basketball. I got a sudden interest in basketball after I decided that soccer wasn’t the sport for me. First I started to watch it on TV, and then I told my mom that I would like to take lessons. She enrolled me, and after that I just loved the sport so much. They realized that basketball was the right sport for me, so they bought me a blue basketball as a gift.

 Twelve Ceremony: Be more responsible. My sister and I really wanted a dog, so we kept on begging to our parents. They finally said yes, so we got ourselves a dog. After a week, we knew that getting a dog was going to take a lot of responsibility. Clean up the accidents, remember to feed him, and take him outside for exercise. When you’re a twelve, you have to be a lot more responsible. Because as a gift, you get a dog that will be wonderful to have after it’s trained.

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