Day: 4 November 2014 (Page 2 of 2)

My ah-ha moment

Jonas lives In a stripped or poor community. So maybe stirrings Is a disease that Messes with your dreams That makes you dream of someone “Sexually”. They want to make stirrings go away because people can sexually harass someone and not be Interested In his/her partner In a family unit.

Ah-ha moment

I think Jonas community is much regulated so they have a ton of different rules which I would think are hard to follow like you can’t be late or else you’re going to have to say an apology. I guess they’d be used to them already. Jonas has these strange dreams called stirrings. My partner and I thought that the stirrings can tell you your future role is going to be and we also discussed that maybe the “government” is hiding secrets from the community like bad secrets so they try to hide them by giving everyone pills. I think they want to keep people from knowing their future roles is because it is part of the rules and the government is crazy about rules.

Ah-Ha moment

My ah-ha moment was when I read this chapter it gave me a better understanding of the community that they live in to me it seems like they don’t want people to really love or know the meaning of love. It kind of seems like they want to keep everyone the same not letting them have a relationship with each other they just want to keep everyone like clones where they all act the same, think the same and even live the same life. They want to keep everyone in line and have a perfect community a world where there life’s are planned out for them so they don’t want anyone to make a choice for themselves it seems like they are puppets and the elders are the controllers

Age Ceremonies

1. Age of 5 ceremonies:

You get your toys on the age of 5 and the toys are boys get robots and girls get dolls.

So the ceremony is like this:

There is a little stage and a group of 5’s go up on the stage and they get there toys and they get to choose which robot or dolls you want and the group are separate like boys in the boys side and girls in the girls side.

2. Age of 9 ceremonies:

You get your bicycle or mountain or a scooter. You use the bicycle or stuff to go to school or market or more.

So the ceremony is like this:

You get on the stage and get the things.

3. Age of 10 ceremonies:

Your toys are all taken away from the ceremony and get a brain using board game example monopoly. You’re allowed to play with your family and have fun but this game of board games will get you IQ better and better.

The ceremony is like this:

You go up the stage of a group of 10’s and they take away all your toys and give you a board game and choose your own board game. You go home and you play with your family members.

4. Age of 11 ceremonies:

You get your computer on the age of 11 and the computer is for writing and work like for school homework.

The ceremony is like this:

You go on the stage and just get the computer.


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