Mr. Katsionis Email:
Throughout this course we will explore a wide variety of events/topics from early civilizations such as Rome, all the way to the discovery of North America. These topics will also include the innovations that the Renaissance brought us, as well as the Feudal System which dominated Europe for many years.
Course Expectations:
- Treat yourself, others, the teacher and learning space with respect.
- It is expected you will submit all assignments on time and to the best of your abilities.
- Ask questions so that we can have an engaged learning environment.
- There are NO cell phones permitted unless otherwise specified. Phones will be taken away for improper use.
- You are required to be in class on time. If you are late, come into the classroom as quietly as possible.
- If you are away, you are still responsible for all missed work. Consult Mr. Katsionis when this happens.
- Ask the teacher when you need to leave the room for a water break and/or the washroom.
- You must follow ALL online procedures à please regularly check Microsoft Teams
Throughout this course we will use a variety of both Summative and Formative assessments. This will include discussions, assignments, projects, journals, simulations, educational games, quizzes and tests. Below is a breakdown of how you will be assessed in Social Studies 8.
Quizzes 10%
Tests 30%
Assignments/Projects 60%
Unit One: Rise and Fall of Ancient Civilizations
- Civilization of China
- Islamic Civilization
- Ancient Greece
- Europe’s Early Middle Ages
Unit Two: The Medieval World
- Europe’s High Middle Ages
- Europe’s Late Middle Ages
- Medieval Japan
Unit Three: Renaissance and Reformation
- The European Renaissance
- Reformation in Europe
Unit Four: Exploration and World Power
- Age of Exploration
- China Emerges as a Force
- Africa: The Hidden Power