Welcome to Social Studies 10!
Mr. Katsionis Burnaby Central Secondary david.katsionis@burnabyschools.ca
Throughout this course we will learn how major events of the past shaped the present. Additionally, we will learn explore demographic trends and how governments operate.
Unit One: Human Geography
Unit Two: Twentieth Century History
Unit Three: Government
Throughout this course we will use a variety of both Summative and Formative assessments. This will include discussions, assignments, projects, journals, quizzes and tests. Below is a breakdown of how you will be assessed in Social Studies 8
Social-Personal Responsibility 15%
Assignments/Projects 85%
Course Expectations:
- Treat yourself, others, the teacher and learning space with respect.
- It is expected you will submit all assignments on time and to the best of your abilities.
- Ask questions so that we can have an engaged learning environment.
- There are NO cell phones permitted unless otherwise specified. Phones will be taken away for improper use.
- You are required to be in class on time. If you are late, come into the classroom as quietly as possible.
- If you are away, you are still responsible for all missed work. Consult Mr. Katsionis when this happens.
- Ask the teacher when you need to leave the room for a water break and/or the washroom.