Edmonds Intermediate Choir! Welcome to a brand new year of singing in 2025!!!
This year we are trying someing we have never done before. I have been waiting many years for a choir that is ready to sing this piece and I think I have found exactly the right group – YOU!! It’s not an easy piece but I believe you are up to the challenge. This song is from the movie ‘Les Choriste’. Last year we sang a different song from this film, also in French. The choir loved that piece and I hope you will love this one just as much.
Below are the words and recording for each part. The words are written first in bold which is the way you say them, beside that is the way it is written in French and then the English translation. Here a link to a recording with the words in French but remember to look at the pronunciation below. Cerf Volant means ‘Kite Flying’. Can you hear the kite going up and down in the blowing wind? Here is the choir from the movie performing the song and also the scene from the movie that contains it.
Cerf Volant
Here are recordings of 3 vocal parts:
Soprano 1
Audio Player(Repeat)
Soprano 2
Audio Player
Audio PlayerSer volah,Cerf-volant, Kite flying
Ser volah,Cerf-volant, Kite flying Volont-oh vah, Volant au vent, Flying in the wind
Vehr la mehr, Vers la mer, Toward the sea
Dah layz air, dans les airs, in the air Un ahfah te vooa, Un enfant te voit, A child sees youAso–lah, Insolent, Difficult
Trooblah-ni-vrah, Troubles enivrants, Heady times Amoorz a-nosah, Amours innocents, Innocent lovesSer, Cerf, Kite
Ser volont, Cerf-volant, Kite flying Ne ta-reh-teu pa, Ne t’arrête pas, Do not stop Vehr la mehr, Vers la mer, Toward the sea Dah layz air, dans les airs, in the air Un ahfah te vooa, Un enfant te voit, A child sees youDah la toormont, Et dans la tourmente, And in the strong wind
Vehr mooa, Vers moi, To me
The Moon –
We are also singing ‘The Moon’ by Andy Beck. This will be easy for you but I am hoping to do this one with the Primary Choir and maybe even the whole school. Guess who will be my leaders?
Save the Bones for Henry Jones
Tonight we’ll have a party.
We’ll eat some food that’s rare.
And at the head of the table,
We’ll place brother Henry’s chair.
Invite all the local big dogs.
We’ll laugh and talk and eat.
But we’ll save the bones for Henry Jones,
Cause Henry don’t eat no meat!
Today I’ll go to market,
And buy a lot of fish.
That will thrill brother Henry,
Cause fish is his special dish.
Get a large can of molasses,
So we’ll have somethin’ sweet.
But we’ll save the bones for Henry Jones,
Cause Henry don’t eat no meat.
Henry don’t like gravy.
He don’t dunk or dip.
He don’t need no napkin,
Cause the things he eats don’t drip, blip!
One day we had a banquet.
It really was a bake.
They started off with short ribs,
And finished off with steak.
But when the feast was over,
Brother Henry just kept his seat.
Hot, hot, hot, hot chocolate, I can’t get enough!
Hot, hot, hot, hot chocolate, it’s my favorite stuff!
When the weather is freezing and you think you’ll turn to ice,
There is nothing more pleasing than a mug of paradise.
Turn up the heat, make it steamy and sweet, with marshmallows on the top.
Come fill me up to the top of my cup, I’m gonna drink every drop!
Hot, hot, hot, hot chocolate, I can’t get enough!
Hot, hot, hot, hot chocolate, it’s my favorite stuff!
Hot, hot chocolate. Hot, hot chocolate.
Ssss Make it steamy. Ssss rich and creamy.
Marshmallows are floating on the top. Whipped cream, I’m never gonna stop.
Turn up the heat, make it steamy and sweet, with marshmallows on the top.
Come fill me up to the top of my cup, I’m gonna drink every drop!
Hot, hot, hot, hot chocolate, I can’t get enough!
Hot, hot, hot, hot chocolate, it’s my favorite stuff!
I can’t get enough!
I need a fix made from scratch or a mix!
Hot Chocolate! HOT!
A Wish for Peace – we will sing this on our field trip on Dec 18 as well!
Part One:
Audio PlayerPart Two:
Audio Player
I wish for you, I wish for me,
I wish for all the world to live in harmony.
When I look into the sky at night and see the stars above,
I wish for peace, I wish for love.
I wish for you, I wish for me,
I wish for all the world to live in harmony.
When I look into the sky at night and see the stars above,
I wish for peace, I wish for love.
I wish for hope, I wish for joy,
I wish for all these things for every girl and boy,
That wherever in the world they are, they’ll see the stars above,
And wish for peace and wish for love.
Ahhhh, Ahhhh,
When I look into the sky at night and see the stars above,
I wish for peace, I wish for love.
Winter Wonderland! – Do you know this one? Here’s link to a performance that uses most of the same words
Sleigh bells ring, are you listening,
In the lane, snow is glistening
A beautiful sight,
We’re happy tonight.
Walking in a winter wonderland.
Gone away is the bluebird,
Here to stay is a new bird
He sings a love song,
As we go along,
Walking in a winter wonderland.
In the meadow we can build a snowman,
Then pretend that he is Parson Brown
He’ll say: “Are you married?”, we’ll say: “No man,
But you can do the job when you’re in town.”
Later on, we’ll conspire,
As we dream by the fire
To face unafraid,
The plans that we’ve made,
Walking in a winter wonderland.
In the meadow we can build a snowman,
And pretend that he’s a circus clown.
We’ll have lots of fun with mister snowman,
Until the other kids knock him down.
When it snows, ain’t it thrillin’,
Though your nose gets a chillin’.
We’ll frolic and play, the Inuit way,
Walking in a winter wonderland.
Frosty the Snowman – Here a link to a performance of this song
Frosty the Snowman,
Was a jolly, happy soul.
With a corn cob pipe and a button nose,
And two eyes made out of coal.
Frosty the Snow Man
Is a fairy tale, they say,
He was made of snow but the children know,
How he came to life one day.
There must have been some magic
In that old silk hat they found,
For when they placed it on his head,
He began to dance around.
Oh Frosty the Snow Man,
Was alive as he could be.
And the children say he could laugh and play,
Just the same as you and me.
Thumpety, thump, thump, thumpety thump thump.
Look at Frosty go!
Thumpety, thump, thump, thumpety thump thump.
Over the hills of snow.
Frosty the Snow Man,
Knew the sun was hot that day.
So he said, “Let’s run and we’ll have some fun,
Now before I melt away.”
Down to the village,
With a broomstick in his hand,
Running here and there, all around the square,
Sayin’ “Catch me if you can.”
He led them down the streets of town,
Right to the traffic cop.
And only paused a moment when,
He heard him holler “Stop!”
Frosty the Snow Man,
Had to hurry on his way,
But he waved goodbye, sayin’, “Don’t you cry,
I’ll be back again someday.”
Thumpety, thump, thump, thumpety thump thump.
Look at Frosty go!
Thumpety, thump, thump, thumpety thump thump.
Over the hills of snow.
Hello, you amazing, talented and dedicated singers, you It’s been such a wonderful year of singing. You have certainly made Edmonds proud. And still it continues! The Grade 7 Leaving Ceremony is coming up soon.So far, for our Gr 7 leaving ceremony we will perform Blackbird. Let’s see if we can learn more of Part 2 this year :):
Blackbird Part 1:
Audio Player
Blackbird Part 2:
Audio Player
Blackbird Part 1 and 2 together – See if you can only sing your part:
Audio Player
Blackbird Piano Accompaniment – See if you can sing your part with only the accompaniment:
Audio PlayerBlackbird singing in the dead of nightTake these broken wings and learn to flyAll your lifeYou were only waiting for this moment to arise Blackbird singing in the dead of nightTake these sunken eyes and learn to seeAll your lifeYou were only waiting for this moment to be free Blackbi-ird, flyBlackbi-ird, flyInto the light of the dark black night (Blackbird singing in the dead of night) Mm, mm, mm.... Blackbi-ird, flyBlackbi-ird, flyInto the light of the dark black night Blackbird singing in the dead of nightTake these broken wings and learn to flyAll your lifeYou were only waiting for this moment to arise You were only waiting for this moment to ariseYou were only waiting for this moment to arise (La, la, la, la, la)
Welcome Intermediate Choir Members!
Now that we are almost ready for the Intermediate Choir Festival, you can practice your part (only your part) with the movie choir!
You can also try singing along with the orchestra with no other singers or just with the piano. Remember that their are 16 notes of introduction from the piano and orchestra before the singing starts.
The words for Vois Sur Ton Chemin are at the bottom. I’ve added the English translation – so that you know what you are singing about
Vois Sur Ton Chemin – Part 1
Vois Sur Ton Chemin – Part 2
The Sleepy Song – All Parts
Together We Are – All choir will sing this one together. Practice it if you have time Words are at the bottom.
Harmony parts for The Sleep Song are below. There are 3 parts. Choose one to practice. The words for all of them are the same:
Nee-puh, nee-puh, kee-suh-kee-hee-teen
Nee-puh, nee-puh, kee-suh-kee-hee-teen nee-puh, kee-suh-kee-hee-teen nee-puh.
Soprano 1
Audio PlayerAlto
Audio PlayerDescant
Audio Player
Words for Vois Sur Ton Chemin – with correct pronunciation for singing
Good Luck Thanks for practicing!!
Part One:
Vois sur ton chemin – See upon your path
Voouh soor tah sheuma
Gamins oubliés égarés – Kids lost and forgotten.
Gamaz oubleeay aygaray
Donne leur la main – Take their hands
Donneu leur la ma
Pour les mener – To lead them
Poor lay menay
Vers d’autres lendemains – Towards other tomorrows.
Ver dotreu lahndeuma
Sens au coeur de la nuit – Feel in the heart of the night
Sahz oh ceur deu la nooee
L’onde d’espoir – The wave of hope,
Lahndeu despoouh
Ardeur de la vie – Ardor of life,
Ahrdeur deu la vee-eu
Sentier de gloire – Pathway of glory.
Sahnteeay deu gloouh
Bonheurs enfantins – Joys of childhood
Bahnheur ahfata
Trop vite oubliés, éffacés – Too quickly forgotten, erased.
Troh veet oobleeay ayfasay
Une lumière dorée brille sans fin – A golden light shines steadily
Un loomeeayr dohray breeeu sah fa
Tout au bout du chemin – At the very end of the path.
Toot oh boo du sheuma
Sens au coeur de la nuit – Feel in the heart of the night
Sahz oh ceur deu la nooee
L’onde d’espoir – The way of hope,
Lahndeu despoouh
Ardeur de la vie – Ardor of life,
Ahrdeur deu la vee-eu
Sentier de gloire – Pathway of glory.
Sahnteeay deu gloouh
Ay lay ay, ee lay ay
Ay lay ee, ee ay lay,
Ay lay ay, ee lay ay
Ee lay ay, ee ay
Ay lay ay, ee lay ay
Ay lay ee, ee ay lay,
Ay lay ay, ee lay ay
Ee lay ay, ee ay lay
Part Two:
Donne leur la main – Take their hands
Donneu leur la ma
Pour les mener – To lead them
Poor lay menay
Vers d’autres lendemains – Towards other tomorrows.
Ver dotreu lahndeuma
Au coeur de la nuit – In the heart of the night
Oh ceur deu la nooee
L’onde d’espoir – The wave of hope,
Lahndeu despoouh
Ardeur de la vie, de la vie – Ardor of life, of life,
Ahrdeur deu la vee, deu la vee
Sentier de gloire, sentier de gloire – Pathway of glory, pathway of glory.
Sahnteeay deu gloouh, sahnteeay deu gloouh
Vite oubliés, éffacés – Quickly forgotten, erased.
Veet oobleeay ayfasay
Une lumière dorée brille sans fin – A golden light shines steadily
Un loomeeayr dohray breeeu sah fa
Au coeur de la nuit – In the heart of the night
Oh ceur deu la nooee
L’onde d’espoir – The wave of hope,
Lahndeu despoouh
Ardeur de la vie, de la vie – Ardor of life, of life,
Ahrdeur deu la vee, deu la vee
Sentier de gloire, sentier de gloire – Pathway of glory, pathway of glory
Sahnteeay deu gloouh, sahnteeay deu gloouh
Ay lay ay, ee lay ay
Ay lay ee, ee ay lay,
Ay lay ay, ee lay ay
Ee lay ay, ee ay
Ay lay ay, ee lay ay
Ay lay ee, ee ay lay,
Ay lay ay, ee lay ay
Ee lay ay, ee ay lay
Donne leur la main – Take their hands
Donneu leur la ma
Pour les mener – To lead them
Poor lay menay
Vers d’autres lendemains – Towards other tomorrows
Ver dotreu lahndeuma
Au coeur de la nuit – In the heart of the night
Oh ceur deu la nooee
L’onde d’espoir – The wave of hope,
Lahndeu despoouh
Au coeur de la nuit – Ardor of life,
Oh ceur deu la nooee
L’onde d’espoir – The wave of hope.
Lahndeu despoouh
Words for Together We Are:
Together we are one human family
Together we are one human family
Together we are one living community
My brothers and my sisters and my people and me.
We couldn’t make it alone,
We know we’re not on our own.
Called here together, from near and far,
Joined in spirit forever,
Together we are!
Called here together, together we are.
We are, we are,
Joined in spirit, together we are.
We are, we are.
Called here together, together we are.
We are, we are,
Joined in spirit, together we are.
We are, we are.
We couldn’t make it alone,
We know we’re not on our own.
A joyous people,
A thankful people,
A gentle people,
A mightly people,
A mightly people,
Together we are!