Edmonds Spring Singing 2025!!

We are getting ready for spring! There is one song, The Moon, that both the Primary Choir and Intermediate Choir will perform together. And who knows?! We might invite the whole school!

The words are below and there is a recording for both Part 1 and Part 2.

The Moon
Oh moon, shining in the night
Oh moon, are you listening?
Oh moon, silvery and bright
Come again tomorrow night
Come again tomorrow night
Nighttime will soon be done
Bringing the morning sun
Where will you go? What will you do?
While you are gone, I′ll wait for you
Oh moon (oh moon), shining in the night (shining in the night)
Oh moon (oh moon), are you listening? (Are you listening?)
Oh moon (oh moon), silvery and bright (silvery and bright)
Come again tomorrow night (come again tomorrow night)
Come again tomorrow night
Daylight is coming soon
Where you will go, oh moon?
Over the cloud? Under a hill?
See you tomorrow night, I will
Oh moon (oh moon,) oh moon
Oh moon (oh moon,) oh moon
Oh moon


The Sleepy Song by Sherryl Sewepagaham

Part A

Ya ha yo wey yaha
hey ho
yo wey, yo wey, yo wey
Ya ha yo wey yaha
hey ho
yo wey, yo wey, yo wey
yo wey, yo wey, yo wey

Part B (try to sing the part that has these words or just listen until we return to Part A)

Ya ha yo wey yaha
hey ho
yo wey, yo wey, yo wey
Ya ha yo wey yaha
hey ho
yo wey, yo wey, yo wey
yo wey, yo wey, yo wey

2. Kindess by Bradley James Skistimas

Kindness, Kindness, oh, whenever you find this
You will see the world’s a better place
Kindness, Kindness, oh, whenever you try this
You could bring a smile to someone’s face

Well it doesn’t take much
And it doesn’t take long
No, it doesn’t cost a thing
And there’s no way to do it wrong
You can try it any time
You can plant it where you want
You can grow it in your heart
Then give it out to everyone

Kindness, Kindness, oh, whenever you find this
You will see the world’s a better place
Kindness, Kindness, oh, whenever you try this
You could bring a smile to someone’s face

And you can put it in your words
And everything you say
In the little things you do
All throughout the day
And you can share it with your neighbor
You can teach it to a friend
You can show your Mom or Dad
How the kindness never ends

Kindness, Kindness, oh, whenever you find this
You will see the world’s a better place
Kindness, Kindness, oh, whenever you try this
You could bring a smile to someone’s face

So, if you see someone who’s had a bad day
And you’d like to try & make them feel okay
Just give a little kindness in your own way
Because a little bit of kindness goes a long way

Kindness, Kindness, oh, whenever you find this
You will see the world’s a better place
Kindness, Kindness, oh, whenever you try this
You could bring a smile to someone’s face

Song for Mr Gaster

Thank you for all of your great ideas that helped create these song words. Let’s practice to make this song extra special for Mr. Gaster 🙂  Hope you have fun!


Div 4 performs Mr Gaster’s Song

Div 5 performs Mr Gaster’s Song

“Weembubeh” – You Are a Lion

Original song by Solomon Linda of South Africa, 1939


Weembubeh, weembubeh

Weembubeh, weembubeh

Weembubeh, weembubeh

Weembubeh, weembubeh

(2 more times through pattern)

Weeee, we really will miss you when you go, and

Weeee, we wish you the best oh don’t you know


Verse 1

Mr Gaster, an all-sports master,

The leader of our school

He’s strong and tall, he cares for us all

He smiles as a rule



Verse 2:

Mr Gaster, a counselling master

Solving problems all day

Small and big things, for kids and adults

He helps us all on our way



Verse 3:

Mr Gaster, community master

Building ties where he goes

His door is open, invites us all in

Respecting all and it shows



Verse 4:

Mr Gaster, a fun-times master

He lets us frolic and play

With snow and water and in the dunk tank

We’ll remember these days



Weeee, we really will miss you when you go, and

Weeee, we wish you the best oh don’t you know



Berry Picking Song

Below are the words and a recording  of the Berry Picking Song for our Berry Song Concert. Teach your family so they can enjoy it too! And if they come to the concert, they can join in the singing! This song was created by Russell Wallace who is from the Lil’wat Nation. It can be sung while picking berries to let the bears know you are there! And if you are singing, you won’t eat all the berries before you get home. 🙂 Thank you Div 7, 8, and 9 for making this recording!

Way hee oh hoh
Way hay ayoh
Way hee oh hoh way

Way hee oh hoh
Way hay ayoh
Way hee oh hoh way
(repeat 4 times)

Lil’wat Salmon Song

Here is another song from Russell Wallace. This is the Lil’wat Salmon Song. The words are in the Lil’wat language and there are 4 verses. We will sing this one at our spring concert, so share this with your family too! Thank you to Div 12 an 13 for making this recording 🙂

Way hee yo ho
Way hee yo ho
Way hee yo ho wey
Way hee yo yo zumac (salmon)
Way hee yo ho wey
  1. zahoum (dip netting)
  2. weekum (cutting fish)
  3. eeklhen (eating)


Children’s Blessing Song

This song is written by Sherryl Sewepagaham who is from the Little Red River Cree Nation in northern Alberta.  We will all sing it for our spring concert in May. You can sing it just for yourself or teach it to your whole family.  Click here and enjoy!

Ya ha weya, weya, weya
Ya ha weya, weya, weya
Ya ha weya, weya, weya
Weyo, weyo, weyhey
Weyo, weyo, weyhey
Weyo, weyo, weyhey


Intermediate Choir 2023

Hello Intermediate Choir! So glad you found me 🙂 Here are some recordings to practice with.

Got Coffee

And now we try singing our part without any backup singers! Try singing it while looking at the words and then without looking at the words. 

Accompaniment Only



Everyone needs to know both parts. Part one is harder so make sure you spend more time on it  🙂

Part 1


Yo teh da reh, teh da reh, neenyair mo sa

Teh da reh oona cosa

Oona cosa keh yo solo seh, caffeh!

Con el kapo teen, teen, teen , teen, teen, teen,

Teen, esta no-o cheh bah ah yo behr

Con el kapo teen, teen, teen , teen, teen, teen,

Teen, ah eh so del ah maneh-eh sehr

Con el kapo teen, teen, teen , teen, teen, teen,

Teen, esta no-o cheh bah ah neh bahr

Con el kapo teen, teen, teen , teen, teen, teen,

Teen ah eh so del ah madroo-oo gah


“Come buy my coffee, the taste is divine”

Sings out the old coffee vendor.

“It will keep you warm, in a winter storm.

Buy my coffee today, Ole!”

“Buy my fresh, hot coffee

Z on a cold rainy day.

Z Get your mocha, latte, medium or grande.

Z Melt your troubles away.”

“I’ve got cappuccino

Z and espresso café.

Z If you want to have a great cup of java

Z buy my coffee today.”


Yo teh da reh, teh da reh, neenyair mo sa

Teh da reh oona cosa

Oona cosa keh yo solo seh, caffeh!

Con el kapo teen, teen, teen , teen, teen, teen,

Teen, esta no-o cheh bah ah yo behr

Con el kapo teen, teen, teen , teen, teen, teen,

Teen, ah eh so del ah maneh-eh sehr

Con el kapo teen, teen, teen , teen, teen, teen,

Teen, esta no-o cheh bah ah neh bahr

Con el kapo teen, teen, teen , teen, teen, teen,

Teen ah eh so del ah madroo-oo gah


Part 2


Yo teh da reh, teh da reh, neenyair mo sa

Teh da reh oona cosa

Oona cosa keh yo solo seh, caffeh!

Con el kapo teen, teen, teen , teen, teen, teen,

Teen, esta no-o cheh bah ah yo behr

Con el kapo teen, teen, teen , teen, teen, teen,

Teen, ah eh so del ah maneh-eh sehr

Con el kapo teen, teen, teen , teen, teen, teen,

Teen, esta no-o cheh bah ah neh bahr

Con el kapo teen, teen, teen , teen, teen, teen,

Teen ah eh so del ah madroo-oo gah


“Come buy my coffee, the taste is divine”

Sings out the old coffee vendor.

“It will keep you warm, in a winter storm.

Buy my coffee today, Ole!”

“Buy my fresh, hot coffee

Z on a cold rainy day.

Z Get your mocha, latte, medium or grande.

Z Melt your troubles away.”

“I’ve got cappuccino

Z and espresso café.

Z If you want to have a great cup of java

Z buy my coffee today.”


“Come buy my coffee, the taste is divine”

Sings out the old coffee vendor.

“It will keep you warm, in a winter storm.

Buy my coffee today, Ole!”

“Buy my fresh, hot coffee

Z on a cold rainy day.

Z Get your mocha, latte, medium or grande.

Z Melt your troubles away.”

“I’ve got cappuccino

Z and espresso café.

Z If you want to have a great cup of java

Z buy my coffee today.”


Part 1 and 2 Together! You choose which part to sing at the end 🙂




We are all going to sing Part 1. Try singing it without the backup singers! First try while following with the words and then try without looking at the words and see if you have it memorized. I bet you do!



Part 1 

Blackbird singing in the dead of nightTake these broken wings and learn to flyAll your lifeYou were only waiting for this moment to arise

Blackbird singing in the dead of nightTake these sunken eyes and learn to seeAll your lifeYou were only waiting for this moment to be free

Blackbi-ird, flyBlackbi-ird, flyInto the light of the dark black night
(Blackbird singing in the dead of night)

Mm, mm, mm....

Blackbi-ird, flyBlackbi-ird, flyInto the light of the dark black night

Blackbird singing in the dead of nightTake these broken wings and learn to flyAll your lifeYou were only waiting for this moment to arise
You were only waiting for this moment to ariseYou were only waiting for this moment to arise


Why We Sing

This is the song that all of the choirs will sing together at the end of the festival. This song is not as important as the others but practice it when you have time. Click here to sing along !

A sound of hope, a sound of peace,
a sound that celebrates and speaks what we believe.
A sound of love, a sound so strong,
it’s amazing what is given when we share a song …

This is why we sing, why we lift our voice,
why we stand as one in harmony!
This is why we sing, why we lift our voice,
take my hand and sing with me!

Sooth a soul, mend a heart, bring together lives
that have been torn apart.
Share the joy, find a friend,
it’s a never – ending gift that circles back again.

This is why we sing, why we lift our voice,
why we stand as one in harmony!
This is why we sing, why we lift our voice,
take my hand and sing with me!

Music builds a bridge, it can tear down a wall!
Music is a language, that can speak to one and all!

This is why we sing, why we lift our voice,
why we stand as one in harmony!
This is why we sing, why we lift our voice,
take my hand and sing with me!
This is why we sing, we sing, WE SING!

It’s time to learn the theme song for our show!

Please feel free to share the song with your family, your pets, and especially your cat! (Remember the black and white one you got in December?) Thank you for your singing!





They All Saw a Cat
– song and lyrics by Division 6 (with a little help from Karin 😉

Some see this and some see that.
How do you feel? What ‘cha looking at?
Some see this and some see that.
The cat saw them all and they all saw the cat.

She’s cute, she’s fluffy.
She looks like a stuffy.
She’s sweet and innocent,
Inside she’s like Maleficent

Some see this and some see that.
How do you feel? What ‘cha looking at?
Some see this and some see that.
The cat saw them all and they all saw the cat.

She’s a hunk of fur,
And she likes to purr.
She’s small, she’s slow,
A tasty snack to go.

Some see this and some see that.
How do you feel? What ‘cha looking at?
Some see this and some see that.
The cat saw them all and they all saw the cat.

She’s lots of colours.
She’s black and white.
She’s a sneaky hunter,
Like a Jedi knight.

Some see this and some see that.
How do you feel? What ‘cha looking at?
Some see this and some see that.
The cat saw them all and they all saw the cat.

She’s heat, she’s vibration,
A dot of echolocation.

Some see this and some see that.
How do you feel? What ‘cha looking at?
Some see this and some see that.
The cat saw them all and they all saw the cat.

For some the cat’s just a big ball of hair,
She’s my great, great grandpa’s worst nightmare!

Some see this and some see that.
How do you feel? What ‘cha looking at?
Some see this and some see that.
The cat saw them all and they all saw the cat.



Yes, We All Saw A Cat!

Hello Edmonds Students! 

Happy Spring!

Even though I don’t get to see you all right now, we can still have some fun with music together! I hope you got to hear and see our presentation of the story ‘They All Saw A Cat’ at our last assembly. If you missed it or forget, don’t worry! Just click the video links and join in. We will use these activities in our school’s spring concert in June.  Come back soon for more music fun!



Spoken Word Cat Song with Actions  – Slow – the best way to go!



Spoken Word Cat Song with Body Percussion – Simple – like a rock star!



Spoken Word Cat Song With Actions – Medium – for those of you that practiced Slow!

And now for some fun with a partner!! Here are some examples of rhythms you can make with a partner.  Invite a friend, a sister, brother, mom, dad, grandma, uncle, dog, stuffed animal…. to be your partner. You can try out one of these examples or just make up your own body percussion pattern. Make sure you can say the words to our spoken word song while you do your pattern.


Are you ready for another challenge?! Let’s go back to being a ROCK STAR!! Do you remember that pattern? – STOMP, STOMP, CLAP  Practice it again. And then it’s time to explore some new patterns. Here are some examples of body percussion patterns that go with the ‘rock star’ pattern. You can try some of these and then create your own!

Zoom Music Class Contest RESULTS!!

Thank you to all who participated in the Zoom Music Classes. It was so good to see you and do some music activities together.  It wasn’t the same as being together in the Music Room, but it was better than not being together at all 🙂


This summer will be different for us. You might have more free time and be spending more time at home than usual. It could be a perfect summer for learning to play an instrument!  It’s often not hard to find inexpensive instruments, like the recorder, harmonica or ukulele.  And there are, of course, lots of instructional videos on Youtube. If you find yourself with nothing to do, remember that I have also posted activities on this website.

Whatever you get up to, I hope you have a fun and interesting summer. I’m looking forward to hearing all about it in September!

Take good care of yourselves and your families!


Zoom Music Class Contest Results:

  1. Most students to attend one Zoom Music Class – Division 16 (with 13 people at one meeting).
  2. Highest number of participants over all Zoom Music Classes – Division 15 (with 60 students over all Zoom Music classes) Runners up –Division 16 (with 57 people over all Zoom Music classes) and Division 7 (with 56 people over all the Zoom Music Classes).

1. Division 15 – 60 participants

2. Division 16 – 57 participants

3. Division 7 – 56 participants

4. Division 11 – 38 participants

5. Division 1 – 35 participants

6. Divisions 3 & 4 – 34 participants

7. Division 8 – 33 participants

8. Division 5 – 31 participants

9. Division 14 – 30 participants

10. Divisions 9 & 10 – 28 participants

11. Division 6 – 26 participants

12. Division 2 – 24 participants

13. Division 13 – 18 participants

14. Division 12 – 16 participants

Congratulations to Everyone!!!


Zoom Music Class Contest Update!

The Contest Continues! Who will win?!?!?

This is the 5th week of Zoom Music Classes at Edmonds. We have 1 more week to go! Thank you to all who have participated. It has been wonderful for me to see you and I hope you have enjoyed doing some Music activities and being together too.

Below are the results of the contest SO FAR. Remember there are 2 ways to win and there’s still 1 week to go!

1. Most Students to Attend 1 Zoom Music Class  

 So far, the highest number of participants in a single Zoom class is 13 (Div 16). If your numbers are low for the total over all the Zoom Music Classes, you can still win in this category by getting all the kids in our class to show up for your last Zoom Music Class next week!!

 2. Highest Number of Participants Over All Zoom Music Classes in 2020

Totals Participants by Division as of last Friday, June 5th 

  1. Division 16 – 44 participants
  2. Divisions 7 & 15 – 39 participants
  3. Division 1 – 27 participants
  4. Division 3 – 26 participants
  5. Division 8 – 24 participants
  6. Divisions 4, 5, & 14 – 22 participants
  7. Division 10 – 20 participants
  8. Division 2 & 9 – 19 participants
  9. Division 11 – 18 participants
  10. Division 6 – 16 participants
  11. Divison 13 – 14 participants
  12. Division 12 – 10 participants

Remember, If you didn’t get an email with the Zoom link, please contact me at karin.johnson@burnabyschools.ca .

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