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Classroom Beliefs


Respect means to “feel or show honour and esteem for someone or something”.  It is to treat someone or something with courtesy and well-being. Respect is the basic law of life.

  • Treat every living creature with respect at all times.
  • Elders, parents/guardians, and teachers are especially worthy of acknowledgement.
  • Do not touch something that does not belong to you. This includes sacred objects unless otherwise given permission by the owner.
  • When you show respect, an individual should never be felt “put down” by your actions or words.
  • Always be aware that you never intrude on an individual’s personal space or quiet time alone.
  • Never interrupt or walk between people who are talking.
  • Never speak about other people in a negative way.
  • Respect the beliefs and religions of others even if they conflict with your own.
  • Be sure to demonstrate the gift of listening when engaging with others.
  • Listen with an open mind.
  • Always be truthful.