Let’s hear from you… – Confederation Park – Music! Dance! & Beyond!

Let’s hear from you…

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AcceptanceWhat does “acceptance” mean to you?

How does it feel to be part of the Pink Project campaign?

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2 thoughts on “Let’s hear from you…”

  1. Sara says:

    Acceptance means a lot to me.
    Everyone should feel okay just being themselves.
    And it’s obviously fun doing the flashmobs and videos. 🙂
    Can’t wait for the 2014 video to appear on YouTube!

  2. Sophie Tran says:

    Acceptance means being who you are, and not having to make a fake personality and looks to fit in. It also means not being pushed aside by bullies because of your race, culture, or beliefs.

    It feels good to be a part of the Acceptance campaign because our school is supporting Acceptance and Anti-Bullying which I think is cool.

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