Welcome and thanks for stopping by. Please use the following information to help you learn about genes and chromosomes:
Unit 1: Genes are the foundation for the diversity of living things
- How is DNA structured? What is the function of DNA?
- What are genes? What are Chromosomes?
- What are some of of the simple patterns of inheritance?
- What are the mechanisms for the diversity of life?
- How would you explain mutations and its impact on evolution?
- What is natural selection?
- What is artificial selection?
- What are the applications of genetics and what are the ethical considerations of genetics?
California Academy of Science: Introduction – start here!
Part 1: DNA, Protein Synthesis and Mutations
1. Learn Genetics – University of Utah “What are Proteins” – Video Clip
2.Learn Genetics – “Types of Proteins” – Animation
3.From DNA to Protein (Flash File animation) – learn how proteins are made in the cell from the information in the DNA code
4.Learn Genetics (University of Utah) “Build a DNA Molecule” – animation
5.Learn Genetics (UoU) – Lab Virtual DNA extraction ****
6.Learn. Genetics “What is Mutation?
7.Learn. Genetics “How do Cells Read Genes?
8.Learn. Genetics “The Outcome of Mutation” – a mutation is a process that changes a DNA sequence
9.Yourgenome.org “From DNA to Protein” (flash)
10.Learn.Genetics “Transcribe and Translate a Gene”
11.PhET Sim – Natural Selection Bunny Fur Colour – Launch Button
12. Virtual Lab – Punnett squares (monohybrid genetic crosses)
12. Virtual Lab – How can sex-linked traits be identified?
Remarkable Learning Links:
DNA from the beginning: an animated primer of 75 experiments that made modern genetics
DNA Timeline (Guardian): From Mendel to the human genome project
Evolution Berkley HHMI – Videos/Comic Strip
Part 1: Leading Activity/Introductory Activity: Science Museum “Do you want to know a secret?”
Part 1: Teaching Notes
Part 1: Teaching Notes: ppt_Filled
Part 1: Student NotesBlank
Part 1: Student Activity “Lost in Translation” Bee Mutation
Part 2: Teaching Notes
Part 2: Teaching Notes (Genetic Engineering) – ppt_Filled
Part 2: Student Notes (Template)
Part 2: Student Activity/Mouse Clone Activity (Learn more about how to clone a mouse called mini)
Part 3: Teaching Notes
Part 3: Teaching Notes “Genetics”
Part 3: Student Notes – Punnet Square/ Alleles (Template)
Part 3: Student Activity “Thingdom “Who am I” – Science Museum
Link to Game (3rd Party): Link at Science Museum no longer working