Sc. 10_Unit 2: Chemistry

Unit 2:  Chemical Processes requires an energy change as atoms are rearranged

Please use the following information to support you as you learn about the following topics:

  1.  Explain how the rearrangement of atoms makes new products in a chemical reaction.

  2. What is an acid?  What is a base? What properties do acids and bases exhibit?

  3. How is the law of conservation of mass used to investigate chemical change?

  4. How do changes in chemical energy contribute to types of chemical reactions?  What are endothermic and exothermic reactions?

  5. What are the practical applications and implications of chemical processes?

  6. How do first people use chemical processes for food and material production?

CHEM NOTE PACKAGE – Student Version

4.1 PPT – Atomic Theory and Bonding

4.1 Atomic Theory and Bonding – Student Notes

Groups on the Periodic Table PPT

Organization of the periodic table

A periodic table that shows how elements are used

Wooden Periodic Table – Theodor Gray

Bohr Model of the Atom

Another version of the Bohr Atom

How we energize the electron

Ionic Bond Basics

4.2 PPT – Names and Formulas of Compounds

4.2 Names and Formulas of Compounds – Student Notes

4.3 PPT – Chemical Equations

4.3 Chemical Equations – Student Notes

4.3 Chemical Equations – Student Notes KEY

Balancing Equations:  5 Tips to Balance Equations

Ch 5:  Compounds are Classified in Different Ways

Ch 6:  Chemical Reactions occur in Predictable Ways

Ch. 6 Chemical Reactions are Classified in Different Ways

6.1 Types of Chemical Reactions – PPT

6.1 Types of Chemical Reactions – Student Notes

6.2 Factors Affecting Reaction Rates – PPT

6.2 Factors Affecting Reaction Rates – Student Notes


Ch 7:  The Atomic Theory Explains Radioactivity

Ch. 7 Atomic Theory Explains Radioactivity

PPT – Hiroshima and Nakashake (**be mindful that the content on this PPT is used for teaching purposes; the information is accurate and the images of nuclear burn scars realistic).  

Radio Lab Podcast:  Restricted Data the Nuclear Secrecy Blog (always worth a listen)!

Canadian Safety Nuclear Commission (your one stop research site) *****

Nuclear Power the Basics Explained

Learn more about the most radioactive places on earth:

Chernobyl Museum

Learn how to write alpha decay equations:

Use the following pHET Sims to learn more about radioactive decay.

Alpha Decay
 Learn more about Beta Decay:

Beta Decay

Click to Run

Taylor Wilson: Ted Talk “Yup, I built a Nuclear Fusion Reactor”

Boy Prodigy Build a Nuclear Fusion Reactor – Learn More