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Screen time Vs Study time: learn how to spot the difference between learning vs studying

Step 1:

Learn the difference between learning Vs Studying

Learning skills look like this:

  1. spaced practice

  2. interleaving

  3. dual coding

Study skills look like this:

  1. retrieval practice

  2. elaborations

  3. concrete examples


Step 2:

No  Screen time when learning & Studying

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Step 3:

Learn what science has to say about screen time and science skills

Study 1


Screen Inline 2

Although research isn’t conclusive, there’s evidence to suggest that excessive screen time has a negative effect on the mental well-being of teens. One study found that teens who spent more than an hour on screens were less curious, more easily distracted and had a difficult time making friends. Those who spent an excessive amount of time on screens were twice as likely to have anxiety or depression. Researchers even found that excessive screen time seemed to negatively affect teens more than it did for children. But again, the research can’t state for sure whether more screen time definitely leads to depression and anxiety.

Step 4:

Learn what popular media has to say about teens & screens

Link to WSJ Article

Artemis I is set to launch – are you ready to travel to the moon?

Learn more about Artemis I:

Instagram:  nasaartemis

How big is the Artemis I Rocket?

Mission Facts:

  • Launch date: Aug. 29, 2022

  • Mission duration: 42 days, 3 hours, 20 minutes

  • Total distance traveled: 1.3 miIlion miles

  • Re-entry speed: 24,500 mph (Mach 32)

  • Splashdown: Oct. 10, 2022

SLS -1 will be the largest rocket to ever fly.  The core of the SLS has 4 engines from the space shuttle.  The Artemis is 100 m tall.


Plastic Pollution

Plastic Pollution by the numbers:  Learn more about how to reduce plastic use

Virtual Science Museum Tours

Check out the following online virtual science tours

U1:  Biology

Student Learning Activity

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U2:  Chemistry

U3:  Energy Transformations

Student Learning Activity


U4:  Astronomy



Check out the following Science Podcasts:

Science in Action

Check out the following science Apps:


6 changes that we can make to help the climate stay cooler

‘Soon it will be unrecognisable’: total climate meltdown cannot be stopped, says expert’

Dr. McGuire, who is an emeritus professor of geophysical and climate hazards at University College London had published a new book on global heating.  Dr. McGuire makes it clear in his uncompromising depiction of the coming climatic catastrophe, we have – for far too long – ignored explicit warnings that rising carbon emissions are dangerously heating the Earth.

Dr. McGuire says that we are going to pay the price for our complacency in the form of storms, floods, droughts and heatwaves that will easily surpass current extremes.

6 things that all of us can do to make a positive difference

ISS – going, going gone?????

Russia says it will quit International Space Station after 2024

The International Space Station, which circles the planet from 250 miles up, is often considered to be above the earthly conflicts that play out beneath. The orbiting outpost has weathered its share of political turmoil in more than two decades of hosting humans.

As a symbol of post-cold war cooperation, the US-Russian partnership has been a clear success. But it has not always been a smooth ride

Summer School – 1/2 way done

Summer School is 1/2 way complete.  The last half of summer school is busy.  Summer school students need excellent study and work habits.

You will need to find small pockets of time to complete all of your school work.

The last day to withdraw from Summer School is July 28, 2022

Summer reading at the beach where the tide is at an all time low

Summer Reads:

James Webb Telescope is Live

The James Webb Space Telescope (sometimes called JWST or Webb) is an orbiting infrared observatory that will complement and extend the discoveries of the Hubble Space Telescope, with longer wavelength coverage and greatly improved sensitivity. The longer wavelengths enable Webb to look much closer to the beginning of time and to hunt for the unobserved formation of the first galaxies, as well as to look inside dust clouds where stars and planetary systems are forming today.

147 Billion Litres of waste is being dumped into Canadian Coastal Waters – Why?

US cruise ships using Canada as a ‘toilet bowl’ for polluted waste

Study reports that Ocean Waters off the BC Coast are treated as dumping ground for American Cruise Ships

The waters surrounding British Columbia’s Vancouver Island are home to northern and southern resident killer whales (RKWs), which are listed as threatened and endangered, respectively.

This analysis estimates the amount and location of heavy fuel oil (HFO) carriage, HFO use, and exhaust gas cleaning system (scrubber) washwater discharge from ships operating off the coast of British Columbia in three scenarios: ships fitted with scrubbers as of 2017, ships predicted to be fitted with scrubbers by 2020, and an extreme scenario where nearly all HFO-capable ships use scrubbers.

These results were overlaid with the locations of RKW critical habitats to illustrate where washwater discharge could impact these threatened and critically endangered species.
The analysis found:
In 2017, 30 scrubber-equipped ships emitted nearly 35 million tonnes of scrubber washwater. Cruise ships were responsible for 90% of these discharges.
Approximately 10% of scrubber washwater discharges occurred within RKW critical habitats, even though these locales represent only 0.6% of the study area.
Nearly 90% of all HFO carried in the study area passes through RKW critical habitats.
Carriage of HFO is expected to fall nearly 90% from 2017 to 2020 due to the IMO’s 2020 fuel sulfur regulation.

However, HFO use and scrubber washwater discharges are expected to grow by 35% as more ships, particularly container ships, bulk carriers, and roll-on/roll off ferries, begin to use scrubbers.
Cruise ships will account for two-thirds of HFO use and washwater discharges in 2020 despite the exponential growth in scrubber use in other ship types.