Category Archives: Uncategorized

How to wear a mask properly: BC Public Health Order mandates the use of masks in public spaces

Learn how to wear a mask properly_Getting ready for in-person learning!

What type of mask should you wear?

Learn more about water – celebrate the end of the summer school with water olympics

Seeing the reasons for the seasons

What causes the seasons? 

How to land a rover on the moon

Jade Rover successfully landed using an elliptical orbit_Learn More

How quickly can you fill a room with hundreds of thousands of dominos – the future will be automated

How quickly can a robot set up a domino track?

Learn how a domino master sets up dominos

What is the Jet Stream and how does it contribute to the formation of heat zones?

Sci Link = Jet Stream 

What are clouds? What can we learn about the weather by watching clouds?


Cloud Types:

High Clouds (16,500-45,000 feet)

Cirrus clouds are delicate, feathery clouds that are made mostly of ice crystals. Their wispy shape comes from wind currents which twist and spread the ice crystals into strands.

Low Clouds (less than 6,500 feet


Cumulonimbus clouds grow on hot days when warm, wet air rises very high into the sky. From far away, they look like huge mountains or towers.

Organic Chemistry: The Problem with Plastic

How is plastic recycled?


Plastics recycling, as it exists today, is a mess. In 2015, the US recycled only 9.1% of the 31 million t of plastics that consumers threw out, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. The vast majority ended up in either landfills or incinerators. In contrast, two-thirds of paper, a third of metals, and a quarter of glass were recycled that year. In the European Union, about 14.8% of the roughly 27 million t of plastic waste was recycled in 2016, according to the European Commission.

Plastics recycling is a battle against entropy. Consumers throw plastics of all sorts into curbside bins, where they get mixed with metal and glass. From this assorted waste, recycling facilities use optical sorters to pluck out only the most valuable plastics for reuse.

Recycling facilities are most interested in PET beverage bottles and high-density polyethylene containers like milk jugs—plastics numbers 1 and 2, respectively. They are relatively clean and homogeneous materials, and recyclers handle enough of them to make extraction worthwhile. Secondary processors wash, melt, and repelletize them for reuse.

Some of the other residual plastics—polypropylene yogurt cups and multilayer plastic pouches, for example—are baled and carted off to processors that attempt to extract additional plastics of some value. But most go to landfills.

Even desirable number 1s and 2s that are sorted out of curbside streams are difficult to recycle. They are contaminated with food and grime. Not all plastics with the same name and number are actually the same: the PET used in a takeout container is different from that used in a water bottle.

For all these reasons, plastics are usually downcycled into applications with less-exacting specifications than what the virgin materials were designed for. A soda bottle doesn’t become a soda bottle again; it is made into a carpet or a fleece vest. In its next incarnation, the milk jug becomes the inner layer of a detergent bottle.

Agilyx:  Link to Company

How is plastic recycled at your school?

How are plastics made? Link to American Chemical council

Make your own Litmus Paper

Litmus: A special test paper that is able to show if a solution is acidic or basic

Learn more about the pH scale

Learn what makes something have acidic properties

Daily 5: Learn more about the biodiversity of BC spiders

Read more about the Golden rod spider

Genetics Research Inquiry Project

Library Top Research Choices (Prepared by D. Gladwin):  The link has been sent to you via teams 🙂

Student Question sheet for Genetics Inquiry Project

Student Copy of Library Research Notes