Monthly Archives: June 2023

If you love Top Gun – once you learn the science you will enjoy it even more

The Science of Top Gear

So what are some fascinating facts about fighter jets? How is this related to the physics learned in high school? What does it take to be a fighter pilot, and, most importantly, how can you make flying aeroplanes your career?




  1. Hirsch A, Stewart C, Martindale D, Barry M. Physics 12 [Internet]. VDOC.PUB. Nelson; 2002 [cited 2022Aug2]. Available from:
  2. National Defence. Pilot [Internet]. Pilot | Canadian Armed Forces. Government of Canada; 2019 [cited 2022Aug2]. Available from:
  3. Government of Canada. Airplane pilot in Canada: Job requirements [Internet]. Airplane Pilot in Canada | Job requirements – Job Bank. Government of Canada / Gouvernement du Canada; 2022 [cited 2022Aug2]. Available from:;jsessionid=ADE964316D8074261ED6C34FB6A97769.jobsearch76

The Summer Slump – how to avoid wasting all the knowledge that you worked so hard to gain during the year

Staying Smarter:  Do you know what the summer slump is?

The summer learning slump happens when you do not have enough learning opportunities over the summer vacation to maintain your current level of knowledge.  

The summer slump occurs when you stop learning new skills  and practicing using the skills that you gained the past year.

You can prevent the summer slump by doing at least 3 of the following activities during the summer vacation.

Become a Science Citizen: 

Bioblitz Opportunity

inaturalist:  Join for free and contribute to science observations

Learn how to add an observation on a mobile device

Learn more about animals – animal cams

Learn a language – duolingo


Learn a new skill – Code academy

Work in a garden – School Garden

Learn how to identify plants – leaf snap

Volunteer helping kids to read – Burnaby Public Library Reading Buddy Program

Visit your public library and join the reading program 

Bring your math skills into the world

Visit a Science Museum – Beaty Biodiversity,

Science World 

Visit Google Arts & Crafts

Participate in outdoor hiking or water sports groups

Join a program at your community centre

Volcanoes and atmospheric carbon dioxide: learn about the chemical reactions

What is the role of carbon dioxide from volcanoes in building Earth’s Atmosphere?  What is the most important chemical reaction that removes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere?