Monthly Archives: January 2023

Doomsday clock has updated the time – 90 seconds to Midnight

Learn more about the Atomic Scientist who set the Doomsday Clock:

Learn more about the Atomic Scientists:

Site selection for Canada’s Nuclear Waste Geological Repository – Canada stands on the brink of a momentous decision: selecting a final resting spot for its spent nuclear fuel waste

Canada: An impending decision despite roadblocks

Canada generates around 15 percent of its electricity generation from 19 nuclear reactors at four power plants—all of which are of the CANDU (Canada Deuterium Uranium) design, a heavy-water reactor that uses natural (unenriched) uranium fuel (National Energy Board 2018). Canada’s four nuclear power plants, three of which are located in Ontario and one in New Brunswick, have produced a stockpile of approximately 3.1 million spent nuclear fuel bundles that increases at a rate of about 90,000 bundles per year (Gobien and Ion 2021). If all the currently operating plants live out their licensed lifetimes, Canada estimates that it will have to dispose of 5.5 million bundles.



The Honey Bee needs a vaccine

Learn about the structure of the honey bee eye:


Learn more about how bees identify flowers:

How to vaccinate a honey bee?

Seeing The Universe in a Brand New Way – CHROMOSCOPE

The Electromagnetic Spectrum shows a visual representation of all the energy in our world.

Link to Learning:

Learning Tip:  Different Waves have different amounts of energy

Ever wanted X-ray specs or super-human vision? Chromoscope lets you explore our Galaxy (the Milky Way) and the distant Universe in a range of wavelengths from gamma-rays to the longest radio waves.

Change the wavelength using the slider in the top right of the screen and explore space using your mouse. For more information we have a quick video tour or you can read more on our blog. If you get stuck, click “Help” in the bottom left.

Chromoscope is kindly funded by the Cardiff University Astronomy and Astronomy Instrumentation Groups.