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Monthly Archives: September 2022
Scientist at work in your neighbourhood: Meet Katelyn Peters – the best job ever
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Science in your neighbourhood
The Saturday Morning Lecture series for high school students is back for fall 2022
Topic: Studying Galaxies in the Early Universe
The first lecture takes place October 15, 2022 at 10:00 am. The talks are open to the public but you must register in order to attend.
The first lecture is about the origins of the early universe and how technology can be used to learn more about the universe:
Galaxies fill the Universe, yet we still do not fully understand how they evolved from loose collections of stars and gas 13 billion years ago into the beautiful diversity of spirals and ellipticals that we see today. In this talk, we will explore how we can now use the James Webb Space Telescope to see what galaxies looked like in the early Universe, and what we are learning about how these galaxies grew and evolved over cosmic time.
Who should attend:
Science 10 students and anyone interested in space
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Study Skills-What works and what does not work
Study skills proven to be scientifically effective:
Re-reading vs retrieval
One famous study explored how students felt about their revision by comparing those who did lots of re-reading with those who did self-quizzing (technically known as retrieval practice). The study found that, given the choice, students much preferred to re-read. This is presumably because it is safe, comfortable and doesn’t force them to confront what they do or don’t know. As such, they leave their revision with a false sense of confidence and with their short-term self-esteem intact. However, when looking at the students’ exam results, the study found that students who did the retrieval practice tended to perform better.
The extent to which students prefer this less effective studying method is actually quite dramatic. Another study found that 84% of students use re-reading as a revision strategy, with 55% of them stating it was their favourite strategy to use.
Teachers can help students here by doing two things. The first is to explicitly teach them the benefits of retrieval practice. Second is to help them understand exactly what retrieval practice looks like. This could include flashcards, mind maps, multiple choice quizzes or even verbal questions and answers. If students know how to use these study techniques and recognise why they work, they are more likely to use them.
Study Tools – 6 scientifically tested strategies that work
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Gregor Mendel – 200th year anniversary
Celebrate Mendel’s 200th year – HAP-PEA Research Birthday Mendel
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