Learn more about the risk of breathing in COVID after Spring Vacation 2022_Via Dr. Peter Lin
Masks in classrooms
Dr. Lin: Now, as far as masks inside the classroom, I know that there’s been some debate.
I would say that we should keep the mask on inside the classroom and the reason is, we have these asymptomatic virus producers, these virus factories, they don’t have any symptoms, but they can make viruses.
So without a mask, just by breathing out, they can send the virus maybe two or three feet away from them just by breathing. But if you put a mask on, then it cuts it down to maybe just a couple of inches away from them.
So you can contain somebody that has virus from spreading it around within the classroom by having the mask on all the time.
Now, if you’re a person without the virus, then having the mask on will reduce your sucking power. So that means you physically have to be closer to the virus before you can suck the virus into your lungs. And so, therefore, keeping the mask on will protect you as well because you’re less likely sucking the virus.