The 2022 Michael Smith Science Challenge Competition takes place on Feb. 15, 2022.
The Michael Smith Science Challenge is a bilingual national competition written by students in Grade 10 Science or lower.
It emphasizes logical thinking and covers material in the science curriculum common to all provinces.
It is named in honour of UBC’s Nobel Prize Winner Dr. Michael Smith and is sponsored by the UBC Faculty of Science.
Prizes are awarded to the top students (and their teachers) in each province, territory, and nationally.
The 2022 Challenge will be run entirely online – students will complete the challenge entirely online at school or at home – depending on local circumstances and at the discretion of the teacher.
No teacher invigilation is required. Teachers with questions regarding the challenge can contact for more information.
The 2022 official writing day is Tuesday, February 15, 2022
This challenge will be a one-hour, timed contest to be started and completed between 06:00-20:00 Pacific Standard Time.
Students need to register with their teacher to participate in the competion. The exam is written online. Please see your science teacher to register before Jan. 21, 2022.
Interested? Take a look at the 2021 competition.
We reserve the right not to give a provincial prize if the top mark from that province is lower than the national average, or if less than 20 students or three schools participate from that province. We also reserve the right, in the event of a draw, to depart from our stated list of national prizes.
Nationally: 1st – $500, 2nd – $250, 3rd – $100
Provincially: $100 for the top student without a national prize, $50 for each student in a tie
Teachers: $50 for a teacher with a prize-winning student