Every Picture Has Its Shadows / And It Has Some Source of Light



Please read this entire post before beginning. This will help you understand the steps.

As broadcast in yesterday’s class meeting, we’re returning to an old favourite today (by old, I mean from April; and by favourite I mean a couple of people said they really enjoyed it): Draw Like Joni!

As with last time, it will take a little longer than usual.  As with last time, I’d like you to invest in it. And as with last time, please make sure you read these instructions slowly, purposefully, and carefully.  Try to do each step in order.

You’ll need time, so if you are seeing this just before class meeting, wait until after.

Choose your own adventure: choose a painting and choose some music.

“I have always thought of myself as a painter derailed by circumstance.” ~ Joni


1.  Outer Space

  • materials (a sharp pencil is your friend) (but don’t tell your bed: it may get jealous)
  • remove or turn off distractions
  • clear workspace

2.  Inner Space

  • body relaxed but aware (this takes a little time)
  • connect to breath (so does this)
  • clear head

3.  Choose your painting.


Right-click or control-click here to open a new tab or window, and then take a look until you find an image that calls to you.  You can use the expand tool in the top right of each image to make it larger.


Right-click or control-click here and choose one of the paintings Joni made for her album covers. If you want a larger version of the art to work with, google the name of the album + “Joni Mitchell cover art.”

Your job is to copy this image with as much detail and precision as you can – slowly and calmly, remembering Lynda Barry’s advice about images as maps, with one line connected to the other, focusing on spatial relationships.

If you wish, you can add color – that is optional.

When you’ve chosen your painting, you’ll come back to this tab/window and select your music.

4.  Choose your music.

Choose one song and play it on a loop, or go through two, three, or all four of these masterpieces of lyric and sound one after the other.

When you are ready, press “Play.”

Take your time – allow yourself to get lost in the work.


5.  Title: “Draw Like Joni.”

6.  Date it.

7.  Send it to me. I can’t wait to see it!

See you at 10:00!


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