Welcome back.
External Space
1. Find somewhere you can work uninterrupted.
2. Gather your materials: comp book, pencil, a willing spirit.
3. Clear off your work space.
4. Draw an index card-sized frame on your page.
Inner Space
1. Relax your body.
2. Take an extended moment to focus on your breath.
3. Press “Play” below to hear two great tastes that taste great together: Simply Red’s mid-80s British soul-pop hit sung by the heart-filling Angie Stone, lynchpin of the neo-soul movement that slid across the late 1990’s into the early years of the 2000s.
What are you willing to wait for?
Draw whatever this is in detail, keeping your pencil in motion for the entire 8-minutes. Label the important details.
Date it. Give it a title. Email it to me.
What could you do from now until our meeting that would be productive and set you up for a relaxed and efficient day?
PS: From The New Yorker:
“On my island, I can live out my wildest dreams!”
That’s from 天空之城, I love watching it – it’s a great movie.