• Collect a few, clear plastic jars with easy to remove lids.
  • Place a different nature element, that you collected last week, inside each jar and close the lid.
  • Ask your child to take off the lid and pull out the item. (you might need to start this activity with loose lids so his small fingers can remove the object more easily).
  • Your young child will be eager to remove the items from the jars again and again. (make sure the objects are big enough, so they won’t be a choking hazard).
  • For additional challenge for your preschooler provide jars and boxes that have different types of lids.

Learning to remove a lid, even if it’s already unscrewed, helps your toddler develop eye-hand coordination and fine motor skills. And just attempting to unscrew a lid enhances these same skills as well. In this activity, success is immediately rewarded, ensuring that your toddler and preschooler will want to try removing the lid again and again.