Caribou Math Tests – October 19 & 20

Hello Everyone,

The Caribou Math Contest will be held on October 19 and 20, and we will all be participating for the first one, as it is free. Please start practicing tests at the Caribou Link.

Ms. D will be signing you up and getting codes for our participation, so all you need to do before October 19th is practice online. We will talk more about it tomorrow. These tests are math extensions and because there is a fee involved for some students, the tests are not part of your math marks.

I will be asking you if you want to compete at your grade level or a higher grade level, which needs to be decided by end of week. Only the grade four level is free all year, though, so if you choose a higher level, the first contest is free and then you pay $15 as a flat fee for the rest of the year’s contests. It may be a good idea to go online and try different level practice tests to get a sense of how hard they are. If you found last year easy, you may want to challenge yourself at a different level!

Thank you,

Ms. D