Good morning Division 7,
Happy Friday!! To discuss:
- Assignments – on Microsoft Teams
- Sharing Circle – today at 11 am
- Learning Opportunities
1. Assignments
Please ensure that you are able to submit your assignments on Microsoft Teams. There is a handful of you who still have not submitted their assignments through Teams. If you have a Google Doc that you are emailing me, please copy and paste the link to Microsoft Teams “Assignments”. This is helpful because I am able to keep track of all your work in one spot.
I am still writing report cards and would love to get as much new work as possible.
2. Sharing Circle
We have Sharing Circle today at 11 am. Please access Microsoft Teams a few minutes early to make sure you are set-up. Please enter the call with your camera microphone on “mute” (click the camera and microphone button, it should have a line slashed through it).
Guidelines to note:
- Please be kind and respectful through out the entire call. We are all being vulnerable by sharing and attending the meeting.
- Please inform a parent/guardian about this video call. Be sure to ask for permission before joining.
If you need a refresher or have not yet viewed the video conferencing guidelines, please do so before our call: video conferencing (click)
3. Learning Opportunities
* : hand-in
(extension): optionalPriorities:
a.) Morning Journal*
b.) Literacy – Mother’s Day*
c.) Math
d.) ReadingExtensions:
e.) Genius Hour (optional)
f.) Makers – Boat (optional
a.) Morning Journal
Reflect on this past week. Choose at least one reflection to focus on:
- Who would you give a bouquet and chocolate to? Why?
- What are you grateful for?
- Think of 2 stars and a wish for your past week.
b.) Literacy – Mother’s Day
(Moms – please try your best to avoid viewing this document! 😀)
You may work at your own pace or follow my suggestions.
I suggest working on the sharing stage today. I suggest you share it to a member of the household that is not your mom. You can also hold off on this stage until Sunday (which is Mother’s Day!)
Please view this file: MOMS DONT LOOK – Mothers Day Template
If the file above does not open, try this file: PDF MOMS DONT LOOK – Mothers Day Template
c.) Math
Please continue your math program.
Khan Academy, IXL, worksheets, etc.
If you would like support/guidance on a math program, please contact me.
d.) Reading
Read for at least 20 mins.
If you would like to activate your thinking even more while you read, I suggest following one of these roles:
- Connector: What does this part of the book remind you of? It can be connection to yourself, others, the world, or other text (books, movies, plays, stories, song, etc).
- Sketch Artist: Visualize — draw what you read using clues from the reading.
- Vocabulary Seeker: What words are interesting? What words are new to you? Find them in the dictionary.
Additionally, consider listening to an audiobook as well.
Try Audible (free online) or Libby (access local public library audiobooks). I am currently using and loving Libby!
Extension Activities
e.) Genius Hour (optional)
Continue your Genius Hour project. Refer to yesterday’s post for more information.
Refer to this planning sheet: Genius Hour Planning Sheet
Work at your own pace!
Follow these steps:
Brainstorm – what topics interest you? Write down topics that interest you (e.g. birds, palm trees, global warming, Jupiter, etc…). Select one to focus on this week.
Question – What deep questions do you wish to explore on your topic? (e.g. how do birds fly?)
Research – How are you going to find answers to your questions? With limited variety of resources, it will likely be online or an interview with an “expert” on the topic (perhaps family/friends).
Present – How are you going to share your knowledge? Please come up with a a way to briefly present your project. This may be through a speech, slideshow, poster, poem, comic, video, song, etc.
Share – Practice your presentation and share — either to me, family/friends, to the class during Sharing Circle.
f.) Makers – Imaginary School (optional)
If you finish early and wish to extend this project, please create a visual of your imaginary school.
Examples of ways to present can include:
- Online image (through scratch/illustration software)
- Diorama/shoebox/cardboard display
- Drawing
- Map
g.) Art – Mother’s Day (optional) – Moms: please don’t look 😀
In addition to your mother’s day poem, you may want to include a craft for your mom.
Here is some inspiration:
Have a good weekend,
Ms. Daneshwand
focus on:
Who would you give a bouquet andchocolate to? Why?
My Skittles
What are you grateful for?
My birthday
Think of 2 stars and a wish for your past week.
My birthday, joss Kendrick to get more Americans girl
I want to give a bouquets 💐 and chocolates 🍫to:
1.All the heath care workers
2.Everyone who bangs pots and pans at 7:00 pm to support heath care workers.
3. Ms. Daneshwand for keeping students busy so we can learn a lot
I am grateful for community for staying inside and being healthy. My 2 stars and a wish are healthcare workers, prime minister and I wish COVID 19 will end soon. Thank you.
I want to give bouquet and chocolate to my mom for doing kahn academy with me.
I am grateful for my family and friends and a good teacher
I am grateful for:
My family
My friends
.i am grateful for my friends and my pets because my pets always cheer me up I have 2 dogs and they are named jasper and Nala 🐩🐕and my fish’s name is dude🐠.My Little sister Mila named him😂😂😂
I will give a chocolate and bouquet to Coco for talking to me in the app and her calling me.
I am grateful that we are safe at home.
1. I will give a star that we will be safe at home.
2. I will give a star to those helping and work during these times.
My wish is that this virus goes away soon