Hello Division,
We made it to the last day of our first week online. How does it feel?
Today is Thursday but tomorrow is Good Friday (no school), which makes today Pretend Friday. Similar to our regular schedule, we will dedicate part of today for catching up. Monday is Easter Monday (no school) which means the next time we meet again (virtually) will be on Tuesday April 14th.
Shape of the day:
- Read over the whole blog:
1. Parade
2. Survey
3. Music Blog - 4. Learning Opportunities:
To-do list:
a. Morning journal
b. Cherry Blossoms (art)
c. Catch-up
d. Khan Academy
e. Read/write/draw
This morning, the staff at Suncrest will be putting on a car parade! At 10 am, teachers and staff will slowly drive around the neighbourhood in hopes of seeing familiar faces and while creating a socially-distanced parade. The map below shows our planned route. Say hello from your homes or responsible distance!
2. Survey
I created a survey to receive feedback from you and your families on the way our virtual program is running. I will send the link in an email to your parents. Please remind them to check their emails and complete the survey ASAP — this will give me enough time to adjust planning for next week. There are 8 short questions and it should not take more than a couple minutes.
3. Music Blog
Please visit Ms. Fletcher’s music blog for regular posts.
4. Learning Opportunities
a.) Morning Journal
This time of social-distancing can be a challenge for many. As you know, I am also a student, like you! Every Wednesday after school, I attend in-person classes. However, SFU has also moved to online classes. Last night my teacher showed a video (below). My teacher said that this teacher used words instead of her voice because she started to cry every time she began speaking.
I think the person in the video speaks for all teachers and how they feel for their students. I miss you all dearly!
Your task:
Please write a friendly message to the class in the comments. Please include a piece of advice or word of encouragement to make this time easier.
b.) Cherry Blossoms
Photo credit: Andy Sum
Every year, cherry blossoms are celebrated during the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival. According to their website, the mission of the festival is “To actively engage diverse communities through accessible arts and culture that celebrates the transcendent fragile beauty of the cherry blossom. To sustain & renew Vancouver’s cherry tree heritage.”
This year, given the pandemic, there are virtual walks available on their website. Take a a look.
The cherry blossom trees we see in the city are not native species of our area. According to the Vancouver Cherry Blossom Festival website, the mayors of Kobe and Yokohama in Japan presented the Vancouver Park Board with 500 Japanese cherry trees for planting at the Japanese monument in Stanley Park honouring Japanese Canadians who served in World War 1. Since then, Vancouverites were astonished by the beauty of the cherry blossoms and the popularity of the tree spread quickly.
Did you know — there are 50 different species of Japanese cherry trees in vancouver? See all the different types here.
Your task:
Using the art supplies you have available, create a creative piece surrounding the the blossoming flowers of spring. This may by cherry blossoms or any flowers you see blossoming at this time. I would love to see your art work — please take a picture and ask your parents to email it to me (or send it through Teams).
Here are some ideas to get you going:
(Click on the image to watch video on youtube)
c.) Catch-up
Please spend some time to catch-up on the past three days or any work you skipped over.
d.) Khan Academy
Please continue 30-60 mins of math practice.
It seems there are a couple people who are not able to access the assigned work. The following are the assigned units; I will also have them posted in the resource section as it may be a page you wish to revisit. I suggest you writing them down in a list and keeping it with your school work.
Grade 3:
- Intro to division
- Understanding fractions
- Equivalent fractions and comparing fractions
- More with multiplication and division
- Arithmetic patterns and problem solving
- Quadrilaterals
- Time
- Measurement
- Represent and interpret data
Grade 4:
- Multiply 2-digit numbers
- Division
- Factors, multiples and patterns
- Equivalent fractions and comparing fractions
- Understanding decimals
- Units of measurement
e.) Read/write/draw (20-30 mins)
But be sure to read at some point today for at least 20 mins 🙂
f.) Service (30 mins)
If you have a younger sibling, please spend time with them on a task. This can include reading a book, colouring, drawing, making art, or just playing together. This can be in place of our usual Buddies time.
g.) Body break (60 mins)
h.) Social break (30 mins)
Chat with someone — either video chat, over the phone, in a message or in person to someone in your home.
As you may have heard, all BC parks are now closed until May 31st. This includes all front and backcountry access. Please stay safe and careful over this long weekend.
Until Tuesday,
Ms. Daneshwand
Hello everyone! I hope you are having a great time being with your family! I just want to say that I miss you all! If you are worrying about having to stay home for a long time, just remember your action staying at home helps our community!
Hope everyone is safe
Everyone is fighting the virus together. Keep up the good work.One little thing can make a big change.#virtualhugs😊
#Virtual hugs virtual hugs Sadie
Hi this Sunday is Easter I wish everyone a happy Easter. Is anyone decorating?
Hi Everyone!!!!! I hope you are all enjoying your time at home and are working really hard. I miss you all!!!!!! I really hope we can get together soon. I hope you are all having fun!!
We will get this through together happy Easter Thanks .
I hope everyone has found something to do at home and having fun with their family. 😋😋😋😋
I hope you all are Having fun at home and you have something to do by yourself or with family members. Happy Ester!!!
stay smiling all day:):). #stay safe stay at home and stay healthy/happy #corona if u hate the coronavirus, for me it’s #corona
this is a hard time for our community we are in this together we will get out of this together.
Hi. Hope everyone is okay
Hi everyone!I miss you all !Hope all of you are healthy and safe!😁