Another creative idea from your Div. 4 community! Hana and Yannes would like to share their idea for an art contest: 
Yannes and I were thinking of doing an art contest.
All Div. 4 & 5 students are invited! (Siblings can enter too!)
The due date will be May the 14th.
The pictures can be uploaded to the ART channel in Teams!
The criteria:
-It has to be art related 
-Be creative
-No comparison 
-Most of all Have Fun!
By: Hana & Yannes
Thank you for submitting this great idea, Hana and Yannes! You are encouraging your classmates to be creative and share their ideas with the class! We look forward to seeing everyone’s art projects! You can share multiple art projects – even art projects you did earlier in the term (such as the climate art!). Your siblings can also share their art for the contest, you will just have to help them upload it to our team! Please let me know if you need any help or have any questions!