Dear Div. 4 Students & Families, 
I am constantly amazed and impressed by the creativity and innovation of Div. 4 students. Last week, Tayvian shared the One Million Cranes project to help us connect our community with positive messages of hope and healing. Since then, he worked hard to create a fantastic tutorial to remind us how to make paper cranes. Please check out his amazing tutorial video on your Teams account on the General channel! Let me know if you are having trouble accessing it and would like me to send you a link.  
How can we share our gifts and our knowledge? How can we build on understanding? 
Here is also a photo of Nemo and Gaia appreciating my first crane! Thank you for your creativity and inspiration, Tayvian! Happy folding, everyone! I can’t wait to see what you create. Can anyone make a rainbow with their cranes?