Good morning, Div. 4!

I hope you are having a great start to your day! It is so neat seeing the new marble run videos coming in! And there are so many interesting and innovative ideas Div. 4 is coming up with to explore! 

What will your shape of the day look like today? Here is some inspiration for your day: 


Here are some ideas for your literacy this week (they are all optional):

  • These are very interesting times in our world. Today, you are invited to read a book called Coronavirus: A Book for Children. It can help answer some questions you might be having. You might even want to write a journal response about it. There will be a Coronavirus Story & Journal “Assignment” available to you this morning in Teams. As with other activities, this is optional. However, you might want to continue adding in your journal each week to write about how you are feeling. It might be something very special and interesting to look back at.
  • Inquiry – Activity #2
    • You can also check out your new Country Inquiry Activity where you’ll have to do a bit of reading about different countries and a bit of writing. Try not to spend more than 30 minutes working on this at a time, come back to it another day! This will available in Assignments today.


  • Many of you are using Prodigy for math! If you are, please try to add our Div. 4 class code (D45A64) so that I can see your progress! 
  • Check out your math channel for ideas and activities (grade 4’s – you might want to create your online shop!)

Flexible Learning

  • Have you finished your rainbow art for our UHE project? If you want, you can even record your voice sharing a message to go with your photo! Please make sure they are sent to me by Friday morning, if you want them to be included in the video.
  • If you wanted to enter the lego contest, have you sent in your photo? Have you tried Amir’s marble run challenge?

Well-being and Connection

  • How many different colours can you see on your walk today? 
  • How many different sounds can you hear?
  • Can you send a photo of your learning to your teacher?
  • Can you phone a friend?
  • Can you connect with your peers on our communication channel on Teams?