Welcome back! – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Welcome back!

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Hello everyone!!!

I hope all of you have enjoyed a restful, fun summer full of lots of family time.

I am very excited to see all of my friends from Div. 14 tomorrow.

Ms. Aujla has asked our class to line up in the undercover area beside our classroom to limit the number of parents outside the primary wing. I will meet you there at 8:45 on Tuesday, Sept. 7. Dismissal will be at 9:45 in undercover area. Our class will be staying in our classroom for this week. I will introduce them to Mr. Ehl who will be their teacher for this week while I am with the new Kindergarten students.

The students will find out their new classrooms and teachers by next week.

I cannot wait to see you all!

xo Ms. C.

PS I will be bringing some sunflowers that grew from our sunflower seeds. Do any of you have sunflowers that grew from your seeds?

Helianthus - Wikipedia

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