Weekly Update Nov. 20 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly Update Nov. 20

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Hello families,

A few reminders:

-please check your “School Cash online” account to pay for your child’s planner, mathletics, and RAZ kids.

-Friday, Nov. 27 is a Pro-D Day. No school for students. I will be attending a math workshop in the morning and a “Social Story” workshop in the afternoon.

The students are really excited about the Solar System! Have a look at their amazing art work.

We have started classroom jobs this week. Every student has a certain responsibility for one week then they will be rotated through other jobs. They are showing such care and interest in keeping our classroom organized and tidy.

Here is our song that we learned this week. Sung to the tune of “Farmer in the Dell”.

Your child brought home some “bat” homework. This is completely optional for families that have time to work on it.

Grade 1 students should be able to write at least 3 sentences using the following sentence frameworks: Bats can…, Bats have…, and Bats are… Grade 2 students should be able to write 6 sentences using those frameworks.


Have a wonderful weekend!


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