Weekly update: Nov. 12 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update: Nov. 12

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Gardening and Games

During one of the brief “rain free” moments that we had this week, we went to our garden plot to plant some bulbs. Each student had the opportunity to dig a hole and plant a bulb on their own!

This week, we have started to play games during our free play time. I highly encourage you to play games at home if you have the chance. They learn turn taking, counting, patience and so many other skills. Here we are learning how to play “Chutes and ladders”.

A few pictues from our “morning choice” time:

Colour Collages

Next week, we will begin to learn about colours. We will be making colour collages like these ones that are currently displayed in the classroom. If you have any small scraps of paper or wrappers in any of these colours, please send them to school next week to add to our colour collages.

Have a lovely weekend!



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