Weekly update March 5 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update March 5

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Hello families!

We must be approaching Spring…our daffodils are sprouting!

We finally completed our animal research projects and habitat dioramas. They are in the display case for everyone to admire! Way to go Division 14!

We began a “wet felting” project for the Burnaby Art Gallery’s program titled “Arts Alive.” The theme this year is “connections”. Each student chose a colour of wool. We shared a bit of each colour with every student. Then students learned how to rub the wool with water and soap in a plastic bag so it all became connected. I can’t wait to assemble all of the creations into a beautiful wall hanging to be displayed at the art gallery for this year’s exhibit!

all of the creations drying on the clothesline!

Important dates to remember:

Friday March 12 – Report Cards sent home, last day of school before Spring Break

March 15 – 26 Spring Break

Monday March 29 – School re-opens


Have a lovely weekend!

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