Weekly update: January 27 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update: January 27

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Our Community and BuildingsĀ 

Many of our weekly activities focused on our community around Brantford School. We focused on “structures” and buildings that we need as a part of our community.

Many thanks to the PAC for funding an inclass workshop provided by the Burnaby Art Gallery. The focus was “Structures and Buildings.” After learning about different types of architecture that are evident throughout Burnaby, we compared older and newer buildings. We then created our own structures using a variety of materials. Your child brought this structure home on Wednesday.

Have a look at the students working on their structures:

Dates to remember:

Tuesday February 14 – Valentine’s Day (I will send more info about Valentine cards next week)

Monday February 20 – Family Day – School Closed

Wednesday February 22 – Pink Shirt Day – We will perform at the assembly.

Friday February 24 – Pro-D Day – school closed for students.


***Please return Home Reading Book Bags on Monday.

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