Weekly update Jan. 8 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update Jan. 8

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Welcome back and Happy new year 2021!

I hope you all had a peaceful break and were able to spend some quality time with your family. The students have settled back into classroom routines nicely. This second term of school is always a term full of a lot of growth and progress-I am sure you will notice this when reading and working with your child at home too!

This week we talked about resolutions (setting goals for self-improvement). Each of us decided on a resolution for home, school, and personal growth. Ask your child to share their resolutions with you.

I will not be sending home a calendar for January as there are not many important dates to add to it.

Please take note that Tuesday January 12 will be individual photo day for the students.

A reminder that dismissal is at 1:58 every Monday and at 2:58 every other day of the week.

Our classroom door opens at 8:50 and everyone should be in class by 8:55 when our outside door will close.

Library day continues to be on Wednesday so please ensure that your child returns their books by Wednesday each week.

This month we will begin learning about the water cycle (evaporation, condensation, precipitation) and the salmon life cycle. We continue to focus on stories about feelings, kindness, problem solving, and being a kind friend.

Have a lovely weekend!


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