Weekly update: Jan. 7 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update: Jan. 7

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I am so excited to welcome back our class on Monday, Jan. 10!

This week we have been working on creating a safer school environment and preparing for various scenarios that may arise.

Our new classroom layout

I have tried to create more space between students especially for eating times.  The 3 large rectangular tables will be for the K students only and the Grade 1 students will be assigned to separate desks and other tables in the room. Every one will have an assigned spot.  The Grade 1s will use their own supplies and Ks will share with only one other student. In order to create this layout, I was sad to remove some of our play spaces but I know it was necessary to keep our students healthy.

New Daily Health Check

Before you arrive at school each day, please check your child for the following symptoms. I will ask each of them about these symptoms before entering the school.  Please note that your child will be sent home if any of these symptoms are apparent. As we have learned, the best way to prevent the spread of COVID19 in our school is to stop it from entering the building in the first place.

Extra masks

Please ensure that you child has an extra mask (or 2) in a ziploc bag stored in their backpack.  I highly recommend having your child use a landyard to clip their mask onto. When they remove their mask to eat, the chances of it falling on the floor are reduced.

Washing hands

Please review thorough hand washing with your child.  I like to remind them to sing TWINKLE LITTLE STAR 2x so they know how long to scrub their hands.

Please remember to send your child back to school with their ziploc bag of extra clothing, inside shoes, and report card envelope.


Looking forward to seeing everyone on Monday!!!!

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