Weekly update: Jan. 28 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update: Jan. 28

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It’s great to be back!

It felt wonderful to be back in the classroom with the students this week. I am blown away with their progress since December. There is noticable growth in all areas inlcuding reading, math, socializing, following routines, and overall independence.

Foxy and Friends

This week we began to look at the parts of a story using a series of locally written books about a character called Foxy. We have really enjoyed created our own stories with all of the animal characters.

Family Celebration/Show and Tell

You will have noticed that your child came home with a February calendar, a yellow notice and a large white paper titled “Cultural Celebrations.” Please take a moment to read the notice and make a note of your child’s designated “show and tell” date. If you have any questions about this project, please email me.

Mitten Math

We are practicing counting by 2s. We had fun counting our mittens! Try counting your socks by 2s at home!

Hockey skills in gym

We were lucky to have Julianna lead us in some hockey skills development this week. It is always fun to try new equipment! Thanks Julianna!

Kindergarten Reading

The Kindergarten students are becoming superstar rhymers. Using their rhyming skills they were able to read 10 words that rhyme with cat. They know how to blend a first sound with “-at”. Amazing to see this develpment happen!

We are almost finished learning about every letter of the alphabet. Please review letter sounds with your children when you are reading together. The more practice the better!

Wednesdays in February

For the month of February, Ms. Tang will be teaching our class every Wednesday. The class knows her and she is very excited to work with this amazing group. I need to attend some appointments with my own children so I have found that it is best to have a set day of the week to work with.

Valentine’s Day

On Monday Feb. 14, we will celebrate friendship on Valentine’s Day. Students are welcome to bring Valentine cards for their classmates. Valentine cards can be store bought or home made. As a school. we have decided that we do not want to have food/goodies/treats/toys attached to the Valentine cards. Receiving the card is more than enough fun-let’s keep this simple!

So if your child chooses to distribute Valentine cards on Feb. 14, please ensure there is one for every classmate, only send the cards, and encourage your child to write the names of their classmates on the cards themselves.

Please add Selihom’s name to the “Frienship List” that was sent earlier in the year. There are 20 students in our class.

Valentine's Day Crafts and Activities | PBS KIDS for Parents

Our decomposing pumpkin

It has been very interesting to watch our pumpkin decompose. Have a look if you are walking through the schoolyard.

Have a lovely weekend!






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