Weekly update Feb. 25 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update Feb. 25

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A short week but a great week!

We are continuing to celebrate and learn more about families. I love hearing about all the special things your families do together. It is wonderful to see your children’s faces light up when they talk about their families. Please continue to send in family photos or send me a digital file of your family so I can print it.

As you can see, our bulletin of family photos is really coming together!

2’s Day

Your child may have told you about “Twosday” which was a special day because it was Tuesday Feb. (02) 22, 2022. We celebrated by doing “#2” activities. We counted by 2s, brainstormed things that come in pairs, and read “Two Too many”.

Pink Shirt Day

We recognized Pink Shirt Day by drawing ways we can be kind friends on our own paper pink shirts and wore them all day long.


Our Alphabet Letter Exchange

I thought I would share a photo of our completed Alphabet Letter Exchange Bulletin board. Every one of these letters arrived in the mail. We sent the letter Z to 25 classes and, in turn, they sent us a special letter too. This has been such an awesome project!

Our Art work will be in a show!

A teacher at Alpha Secondary asked Kindergarten teachers if we could contribute art work for the Drama class’ set design of the performance “Everything I need to know I learned in Kindergarten”. Well, of course, I was so excited to offer some artwork from our classroom for their set design. I look forward to sharing photos of the completed set!

Friday Feb. 25 is a Pro-D Day-No school for students

See you on Monday!

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