Weekly update Feb. 18 – Division 14 – Ms. Capitanio

Weekly update Feb. 18

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Family Day weekend

I just want to remind everyone that Monday, Feb. 21 is Family day so school will be closed. I hope you are able to spend some special time with your children on this day.

Family photo request

As a part of our unit learning about families, students are welcome to bring a photo of their family to share with the class. If you do not have a hard copy, feel free to email me a digital image and I can try to print it on my colour printer. Family day would be a great opportunity to take a family selfie!

Story Workshop Lessons with Ms. Dias

Our class is very fortunate to have the opportunity to participate in a series of “Story Workshop” lessons where the students are encouraged to take an active role in creating stories using hands on materials.

They have also had the opportunity to become the characters in the stories. Thanks to Ms. Tang for the photos!

Valentine’s day in our classroom

Many students distributed Valentine cards on Monday. The kids had a great time reading their cards from their friends.

Outdoor Learning Parent Volunteer Request

After Spring break, I am hoping to have weekly outdoor lessons with the class. Outdoor learning provides extremely rich learning opportunities that cannot be replicated indoors. In order for this to happen, I will require one or two parent volunteers to accompany us for supervision. We will be walking to the park area just north of Brantford School.

If you are able to accompany our class any Wednesday from 1pm to 2:45 , please email me with the dates you are available. Even if you are able to join once, I would be very grateful!

Have a lovely long weekend!



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